Chapter 27 Mass Destruction Part 1 Of 2 The Dominoes Tumble

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"ꔕᣥ*He" Cyn's sinister face can be seen. The face she made after hearing about (Y/N) kidnapping. Only there was whispering heard around her.

"You will do my daughter!" The scene then changes to the gala event. Just as Cyn arrived during James Elliott speech.

"ᖹȵɈ ȵ𐐊ᖹȵᒕɈ*was always*"

"Well timed giggle" the lightning strikes. Behind Cyn there was for a split second a strange shadow like entity with glowing white eyes.

"Slaughter them all!" The scene then changes to to show Uzi before she changed into that murderous form, back at Camp 98.7. The light in the cabin had shattered, Uzi was losing her self. Behind Uzi was the same shadowy entity that was floating behind Cyn at the gala slaughter.

"⨳ᣥᕤᣥ*there*" the scene then cuts to black.

"ᣥ🝪ᣥᕤᒕ ꖱይይይይ ᒕᣥȵᕤɈ........ᒕᎯᥢ ᖹ⍝𐐊𐐊 ȵᎮᎮ⍝ꔕ⍝𐐊ȵᒒᣥ ȵ𐐊𐐊 𐐊⍝♄ᣥ..........ᒒ⍝𐐊𐐊 ⨳ᣥ Ɉᣥȵ𐐊 ᖹᣥȵᕡᣥᎮɈ..........⨳ᣥᎮ ꔕᣥᕤ มꔕᎯɈᣥᎮ มꔕ⍝𐐊ਟ...........ᖹ⍝𐐊𐐊 Ɉᣥᒒ ⌾ᣥ ♄ᕤᣥᣥ⫰*Every 50,000 will annihilate all life..........till the seal weakens..........then her chosen child...........will set me free!*"

The scene opens up showing a unknown area. With 2 figures floating off the ground. The smaller one was using a yellow Absolute Solver symbol, playing around. The taller one was holding a Halbert that had a red Absolute Solver symbol floating at the top.

 The taller one was holding a Halbert that had a red Absolute Solver symbol floating at the top

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"Ɉ⍝Ɉᒒᣥᕤ มᒕᎮ⫱ ⌾Ꭿ⨳ᣥᕤ ᖹᎯᥢ𐐊ਟ 𐐊⍝ᕡᣥ ᒒᎯ Ɉᣥᣥ ᒕᎯᥢ*Sister Cyn? Mother would like to see you*

"ꔕȵ⪘⪘ᒕ ᣥƴ⪘ᕤᣥꖦ⍝ᎯᎮ. มᎯ⌾⍝Ꭾ𐑒 สᕤᎯ⨳ᣥᕤ ɈᎯ🝪ᣥᕤᣥ⍝𐑒⫰*Happy expression. Coming Brother Sovereign.*"

"ꔕᥢᕤᕤᒕ. ᒕᎯᥢ ਟᎯ ᎮᎯᒒ ᖹȵᎮᒒ ᒒᎯ ᕡᣥᣥ⪘ ⌾Ꭿ⨳ᣥᕤ ᖹȵ⍝ᒒ⍝Ꭾ𐑒*Hurry. You do not want to keep mother waiting.*" Sovereign and Cyn then both fly off. They fly up a cliff that is overlooking there home civilization. There is what looks like a Cathedral.

 There is what looks like a Cathedral

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