Chapter 14: Harbinger, Sovereign and Cyn, The Birth Of 2 New Reapers

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Everyone at the prom stared at the human new comers. They where all armed. The orange and black one was laughing like a mad man. "How you been kid? I see your nose is better from when I punched you all those years ago!" (Y/N) was confused.

"Who are you!?" Felix just began to laugh again.

"Oh I'm sorry. Where are my manners? You may of know me by Mr Stevenson. The junk yard guard, who was about to run your cry baby ass to jail for trying to steal Jc Jenson property, but then that girl Tessa Elliott stopped me and took you to her mansion! Or you may know me as the guy who killed your parents and took you to Copper 9!" A flashback played showing (Y/N) the same orange and black soldier who shot his mother. Nori was looking horrified. "My real name is agent Felix Wilson, I work for Cerberus and you kid are our greatest asset. So now I'm going to give you a choice. Come with us quietly and we won't do anything rash. Refuse, well lets just have our new friend put it for you!" The sound of someone dropping on the stage could be heard. Everyone looked towards the figure. They began to laugh. Nori and Khan looked and there fear grew.

"It can't be?" Nori said. The figure started walking forward. His gaze was on Nori and Khan.

"Did you miss me Nori and Khan Doorman!?" Uzi looked at her parents. She wanted to how this person knows them? (Y/N) looked at the figure. He started to shake. Doll noticed along with the rest. He then started to mutter a word Doll remembers from his journal.

"Blood red eyed demon!" The figure then looked at him.

"Well kid it's been awhile, still think Nori and Khan love you, or are you just there little favorite weapon?" (Y/N) then started to get memories that flashed in his head. The memory was of 10 year old him crawling backwards away from Nori. He was screaming with tears in his eyes.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!.....WHY DID YOU SAVE ME REALLY? YOU DONT LOVE ME! IM JUST A WEAPON FOR YOU TO USE!" Nori was trying to get closer to him her arms out stretched.

"(Y/N) that's not true!" The memory then ends. He gets another memory. A memory with a name. V, J, N and Nelly where facing both the Cerberus soldiers and the figure. Doll was getting ready to activate her Solver along with Nori and Yeva. Uzi Solver started to show. (Y/N) mind was repeating a name. He started to hyperventilate. He falls to his knees. Felix then gave the the figure a order.

"Vol Saren kill his parents!" The figure is finally revealed. He was a slightly tall worker drone. His skull shaped face was blood red on one side and the other was the orange burning skull of the Promethan's. His left arm was a energy blade weapon. His chest was replaced with the torso of the Promethan's, even gave him the wings. Vol Saren was back and upgraded. He pointed his weapon at Nori and Khan.

"With pleasure!" He was charging a blast for awhile. (Y/N) and Uzi looked in horror.

"NO STOP!!!!" A very fast blast came out of Sarens arm. It was heading straight at Nori and Khan. The Solver wouldn't be able to block this. Nori and Khan embraced each other and prepared for death. It didn't happen, J activated her wings fast, she flew towards the blast taking it full on. She was completely disintegrated on the spot. (Y/N) N, V and Nelly saw this happen.

"J!!!!!!" They screamed. Saren was mad.

"Iv been charging that blast for almost a hour, and that Disassembly Drone takes it all!" N, V and Nelly where pissed. They formed different weapons getting ready for battle. Saren just smirked. Felix then laughed.

"You see! This will be the fate of everyone here if you don't come with us willingly. Take aim boys, get ready to kill them all. Saren will take the Disassembly drones!" Doll and Uzi got into a fighting stance. There Solver power was strong but it wasn't going to stop a volley of bullets from the Cerberus's soldiers heavy guns. Lmg's, Anti material bullets, rocket launchers and few had miniguns. It would be a blood bath. One that (Y/N) doesn't want to cause. "!" the soldier in a line started to fire. The bullets where coming fast. Doll and Uzi tried to catch some, V, N and Nelly started flying at Saren. It was almost as time began to slow down for (Y/N). He began to spark red electricity around his body. Both his pupils turned to the red Solver. He snapped both his right and left fingers screaming.

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