Chapter 21: The Arrival

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The scene opens up in the lower levels of the Cabin Fever labs. A worker drone corpse is laying against a wall. A combat knife is then thrown in the middle of its visor. "Score!!!" Zooming out we can see Felix and the Bravo team leader. Felix was using the dead worker drones for knife throwing practice, but was getting irritated with the waiting around. "We had them.......we fucking had them. Now we wait around for what exactly!?" The Bravo team leader then answered him.

"We are soldiers. We wait for orders. Now be quite!" Felix just laughed.

"Soldier's!?.......I think you seem to forget we work for a secret organization, ok. There is no honor in what we are doing. We do a fucked up, sometimes fun job and get payed for it. Like kidnapping oh so innocent child to turn into a weapon for said organization!" The Bravo team leader just grunts in annoyance. He was cleaning his shotgun.

"I said be quite!" Felix just walked away from him.

"Ah. Your no fucking fun Locus!" Felix walked up to the worker drone corpse to retrieve his knife. "How long are we going to just sit here? The wait is killing me, I want to kill something already!" The Bravo team leader now named Locus then said.

"Until we get orders from the Illusive Man. We sit like true soldiers on stand by. We have enough supplies to last us for along time. If your really bored why don't you take the next watch. Up top on the catwalk. And stop bothering me!" Felix walked far from the worker drone corpse and threw his knife again.

"Fuck that! I'm not freezing my ass off out there. That's what are dumb fucking unit is for!" Locus then turned to him.

"Then stop complaining, wait and shut up!" The camera then goes up to the surface. 2 Cerberus soldiers are on a catwalk hanging above the Cabin Fever labs entrance. One of them sneezed twice.

"Man someone must be talking about me!"

"That's just a old wives tale. We are outside in the freezing fucking cold, you are probably just getting a cold!"

"We are wearing the Elite Cerberus Guard Armor. Mind you, it is insulated to protect us from absolute zero temperature. I highly doubt I'm getting a cold!"

"Nothing in the know Universe has ever achieved absolute zero. It's literally impossible. What star cluster are you from that would tell you that!?"

"Omega 9 cluster!"

"Of course it would be the people who believe and worship the Dark Matter Ceph. A race said to be so advanced they harnessed Dark Matter!"

"We are at war with a being who is using a power that can literally warp the fabric of reality, and it is hard to believe in the Dark Matter Ceph!?"

"Has any of your planets found relics or temple's!?"


"Then unless there is proof, I won't believe it. We have seen what the Reaper can do.......well with a giant sphere. We have been told about its Absolute Solver power, but haven't witnessed it. I'm starting to believe it's exaggerated."

"We did witness it with the security recordings!"

"Ohhhh you mean the telekinesis! Big fucking woop. They can move objects around with there mind!"

"No I'm talking about the video of the black hole created by 002, did you not see that!?"

"No I didn't.......the Absolute Solver is really that powerful!?"

"When we change guard, go watch it if you don't believe me!"

"When is our next guard change!?"


Murder Drones: Humanity War On The SolverΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα