Chapter 11: The Promening Part 1 Of 2 (Y/N) 18th Birthday Plan

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The scene opens up at the Cerberus secret hideout. 2 Cerberus guards can be seen guarding ships. One was wearing blue security armor, the other was in red security armor. The blue one then spoke up. "Hey, you ever wonder why we are guarding these ships here?" he then points forward. "And not those ships there?" The red guard turned towards him.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Well what's the difference between them?"

"Mathew's come on man! Do I really need to explain this to you?"

"Its just a simple question Frank".

"No its not a simple question, it's fucking annoying now. You ask this every time we are assigned this job!"

"Well I just want to know why these ships are more important?"

"Ok look. For the last fucking time I'm going to say this to you. These ships behind us are used to go to other planets! Ok sink that in. Now the ships infront of us are used to shuttle to different parts of the secret hideout. Ok it can't get anymore simple then that Mathew's it's not fucking rocket science!" Mathew's looked down like he was sad.

"You don't have to be mean about it" This pissed Frank off.

"MEAN, ILL SHOW YOU MEAN YOU FUCKING IDIOT. WE BEEN ON THIS JOB 30 TIMES NOW! AND YOU DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SHIP AND A SHUTTLE!?" while frank was yelling at him they didn't notice Tessa had snuck by them. She ended up jumping in a Jc Jenson ship landing pod. Activating it she caught the guards attention. Being play full she stuck her head out the top of the hatch.

"Sorry to cut your argument short boys but I need this ship" she waved at them. "Bye-Bye now" giving the peace sign she goes into the ship. Taking off from the pad. Her destination Copper 9. Frank looks at Mathew's.

"We are going to get fired because of you!" Mathew's put his head down walking away.

"I'll go pack my things" the scene then changes back to the colony. After (Y/N) had a very bad panic attack, he was brought back to his room in a stretcher. He was out cold after blacking out. Nori, Kahn, Uzi and his friends would all come to check on him from time to time. Doll wouldn't leave his side. When everyone was out looking for (Y/N) Doll had gotten into his private workshop one day. A flashback then starts. Doll could see from everything inside that (Y/N) was a very busy person all the time. Blueprints covering the walls. Inventions, and prototypes everywhere. Plans to restabilize Copper 9 and even peace talks with humanity to coexist. Doll was wondering where he got alot the materials for all this. Human ingenuity was both scary and amazing. Doll ended up walking towards his desk. It was a mess. There was papers everywhere, some in a language that seemed alien. Pushing papers aside she found his phone still on a charger. She tapped it to see his wallpaper. The picture she remembers.

"Лиззи сладкая 16*Lizzy sweet 16*" Doll said as she remembers the picture and day. The picture was taken by Yeva with (Y/N) phone. It was of her, (Y/N), Rebecca, Thad, Lizzy and Uzi. Lizzy of course wasn't ecstatic about Uzi being there. (Y/N) had shut her up by telling her if Uzi couldn't come he would never show up to another one of her parties or cheerleader routines. Lizzy of course folded to this threat. The picture shows (Y/N) in the middle. He had his right arm around Doll pulling her close. Uzi was on Doll's right. Rebecca was on (Y/N) left, Lizzy was to the left of Rebecca. (Y/N) left arm was wrapped around both. Thad had his arm's elbow on (Y/N) side. Everyone was smiling besides Lizzy. Thad and (Y/N) held up the peace sign looking at the camera. Doll was smiling with a blush but her eyes where looking up towards (Y/N). Uzi was giving a shy smile. Rebecca was looking at the camera with one eye off. Lizzy was pouting not looking at the camera but she had a small blush on her face. Doll was searching around the desk again when she found a picture of him and her. Picking it up she turned it around. There was writing in sharpie. Doll read it. It was a poem written for her, kind of cheesy but was sweet. Doll loved it especially the final line. Well (Y/N) didn't need to worry about Uzi telling Doll because Doll found it her self. How's that for the universe hating him. Doll eventually opened up a drawer on his desk. There was a journal in it. Now everyone knows a journal being found, well there is no privacy. Because people will read it no matter what. Doll opened it and was flipping through pages till she stopped on one.

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