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I found them. Ester closes her eyes, her heart content and at peace. I found my friends. I found my family. I found... where I belong.

Miku continues to throw concerned glances at Ester as she keeps one of her arms gently around the older girl's waist to make sure she doesn't fall. "Are you sure we shouldn't go to the hospital, Essie? You did say this was probably the worst Karol has done to you." A quick shake of the head, signifying a no, as they continue walking to Jacob's home. At least, that's where Miku said they were heading.

Ester closes her eyes and tries to take a deep breath in, but feels a sharp stabbing in her side, causing her to let out a slight hiss. "I hate her. I loathe her entirely. I hope I get to see karma sort her out." That would be the second greatest thing to happen this year. The first was being able to get so close to the girl that I never in a million lifetimes thought I would even be able to talk to let alone date.

"Same, but I probably won't be able to, since I'm going back to Japan in a few weeks." Miku lets out a sigh before speaking up again, her voice turning deathly serious. "Oh, and don't think I didn't hear that hiss of pain. You're going to the hospital. Period." Don't even try to argue with me on this. You will lose.

Welp, no use arguing with her. She's right; I should definitely get checked for any internal injuries. Ester nods her head, her eyes still closed, as they continue their walk.


The nearest hospital only being a few minutes' walk away, they trudge on in silence. I feel so lightheaded... Ester's legs just seem to stop working, her knees buckling as she nearly falls. Miku catches her, though, picking her up effortlessly and continuing on through the hospital doors. How can someone so tiny... be so strong?

All Ester hears before she blacks out is Miku's usually sweet voice turn into one mixed with immense sadness, but also with something much more warm and fuzzy feeling. "Please, be strong. I don't want to lose you this soon. I love you, Essie..."


Please, open your eyes... The chocolate brown eyes that Miku has grown to love, stay closed; no matter how many silent pleas she voices in her head or out loud, they remain shut.

Ester lays on the white sheeted bed, her breathing slightly labored and her torso wrapped up tightly. Her dark brown hair is a tangled mess. The scar over her one eye is no longer just a slash, it is now an 'X', stitches going from slightly above her eyebrow all the way down to nearly her lip.

Miku starts to tear up and closes her eyes, silent sobs wracking through her body. Please, wake up... She takes Ester's hand and lightly squeezes it, running her thumb over the girl's cacao skin before letting it go and gently placing it back on the bed.

A few minutes, perhaps even hours pass; the dark-haired girl still at her bedside. Tears are still flowing down Miku's face. Please, open your eyes... please, wake up... The sobs have gone, replaced by shaking and trembling. As she goes to wipe the tears off her cheeks, she feels an all too familiar hand already brushing them away.


"Don't cry, Miku..." Ester breathes out in a strained voice, her eyes barely open. "Please, don't cry..." she tries taking in a deep breath, but feels the stabbing again, just duller. At least it isn't as bad as before. That's nice.

The younger leans into the older girl's touch, a small smile on her face and a content sigh coming from her mouth. "I was scared you wouldn't wake up... I-" Miku opens her dark eyes and looks deeply into Ester's chocolate brown orbs.

"I love you, Essie. I don't want to lose you." Ester's eyes widen in surprise when she hears the statement a second time, simply because she believed the first time was a dream or delusion.

"You... love me? Really?" Miku grins and nods her head at the words, getting up a bit out of her chair to kiss Ester's forehead.

The older brings her hand back to the younger's face, resting it on the girl's cheek and running her thumb over Miku's porcelain skin before she whispers out, "I love you, too, Miku."

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