Chapter 13

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Anaya cursed herself for the thoughts she was getting for him meanwhile Arhan was having a little but sweet smile on his face. He deliberately left his ear pods there. It's true that he was following her but only to make sure that she could reach her home safely. In case she caught him then he could make an excuse of his ear pods and he succeed.

Don't know what was happening to him day by day, he started caring for her. Ya you heard it right Arhan Oberoi is caring for someone else other than himself and his family. He started liking her presence around him. Her beautiful eyes are becoming a new addiction for him. Her voice, her smile and especially the face she made after when he troubles her, he just love it. Troubling her is his favorite part. Don't known what this feeling was but he was liking it.

They were moving silently engrossed in their own thoughts when suddenly Anaya's vision fell on the street dogs who were barking at each other. They were two three in number but enough to scare her. She gulped and held sleeve of his shirt between her thumb and index finger. Arhan sensed her light touch and turned his face to see her. He noticed the fear in her eyes and then following her gaze he got the reason behind her fear also.

"Relax Anaya, they won't say anything to you " he tried to calm her down. Anaya just hummed but still didn't loose her hold on his shirt. As they were getting close to them, Anaya's grip on his shirt started getting tighter. Her steps started getting slower, she bite her lower lip and was cursing those dogs under her breath. Arhan was looking at her but she was busy cursing them so she didn't realize it. He smiled and held her hand which she was holding his sleeve and pulled her to the safer side and started moving holding her hand.

Anaya got flinched with his sudden action and surprised too. He was acting different today. He can't be Arhan, she was just praying that someone please tell her he isn't Arhan.

He is Arhan buddy.

No he isn't. He is the total different guy from the one whom she met daily at school. First of all he was smiling that too more than 10 seconds. Second his actions, he isn't yelling or fighting with her which he usually does. Third he isn't giving her that rude and grumpy Arhan vibes which he owns. Overall he was good.

She then remembered Ronit's word 'he has his other side also' okay so he was talking about his this side. She just realized that everyone says this right, he is good looking and she has been ignoring this fact since day first.


Shut up

His eyelashes are long and he has a sharp jawline. His eyebrows are just...perfect. His nose is pointed and his hairs are covering half of his forehead...."Done with your checking out session " he said all of a sudden.

She flinched and came out of her thoughts. Again she was looking at him while being busy in her own thoughts. Ugghhh...this was so embarrassing for her.

" I...I...wasn't...checking on you " she shattered and moved her gaze towards the ground while moving her eyeballs here and there. He smiled again and diverted his gaze on the road again.

"Wanna have ice cream?" He asked all of a sudden. "Hm?" She looked at him and gave a questioned look. "I asked do you want to eat ice cream?" He repeated his question in a tone he rarely used. She nodded her head and they moved towards the ice cream seller.

He got that she is feeling embarrassed. So to make her comfortable or to kill the awkwardness between them he used ice cream.

They both went there and brought their favorite flavor ice creams. While moving Arhan decided to break the silence " Can I ask you something if you don't mind ?" , " ya go on" she approved. " Why did you leave your old school that too in mid of the last year?" he asked hesitantly.

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