Chapter 9

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Last period, Anaya closed her notebook and turned to look at Arhan. As soon as she turned her face, her breath got hitched. Arhan was already looking at her. Seeing her reaction he raised his one eyebrow and asked "What?". She blinked her eyes two three times. " why are you lo...looking at me?" she said while shattering and boom his expressions changed. Now it's time for Anaya, she narrowed her eyes and asked him lifting her eyebrows "What?".

Arhan turned his face and blinked two times. "I was not looking at you " he said not looking at her, " Then" she asked. He composed himself and looked at her and replied " I was thinking that how would the window look like here". Anaya frowned and thought " Is he taunting me? ", " No I am not" he said and looked away. Anaya got shocked, how did he know what she was thinking. She shook her head and said "What about the board work", " you complete it" he replied without looking at her.

" Oh hlo, we both got the punishment so you will also do this"

" We got it because of you, so you will do it"

" Are you serious "

" No I am Arhan " she rolled her eyes at his answer.

"Listen Arhan I have no interest in getting my marks deducted, so let's do it "

"I am not interested "

Anaya was about to say something but got interrupted by Arush. " Hey Anaya can you give me your English notebook ?" he said. Anaya's gaze got diverted to him. She nodded and stared looking for her notebook in her bag. She looked at Arush with a disappointed face and apologized " Sorry Arush I didn't bring my notebook today ". Arush smiled like this is what he wanted. He said immediately " No no it's OK. Give me your number then". Arhan narrowed his eyes smelling something fishy.

Anaya didn't understand that why is he asking for her number so sudden. She gave him a 'why' look. Arush got from her expressions and explained himself "Give me your number, I will text you and you send me those notes on whatsapp ", "Oh, ya you can have it" she said with a smile. She opened her mouth to say something but Arhan interrupted her and asked Arush " Why don't you do your work on time?"

Arush turned his face towards him and replied " I always do my work on time but this time I couldn't do it because of injury". " So you should be careful " he said, " I will take care next time " Arush replied Arhan and again turned his face towards Anaya and asked for her number again. Anaya again opened her mouth to say something but this time also got interrupted by Arhan's voice. Arhan said loudly " Diksha, do you have your English notebook?". Diksha looked at him and replied " Yes bro I have".

" Is your work complete?"

" Yes "

" Give it to Arush, he needs it "

"OK " Diksha replied started searching for her notebook in her bag. Arhan turned his face towards Arush and asked " Is it OK Arush?", " Um..ya it's fine " he replied with an awkward smile. Dikha gave him the notebook. He was still standing there and may be thinking for something to say but how could Arhan bear it. He looked at him or we can say glared at him for some good minutes and said " You got the notebook right?" Arush looked at him and nodded. " Then leave" he snapped at him. Arush glared at him but his expressions got softened when he gazed towards Anaya. He smiled and said " Take care ", " you too " she replied with a genuine smile. Arush went.

" You never smiled at me like this" Arhan muttered but Anaya couldn't hear it properly. She asked " Did you say something ?", " Yes" he said.

"What ?"

"You have to decorate board as a punishment, right?"

" We"

"Ya whatever, so do one thing. Take a paper and write your number on it in bold letters and then paste it"

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