Chapter 12

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Anaya and Diksha came back home and the whole way Diksha was teasing Anaya. Afterall she gets a very rare chance to tease her so why not take advantage of it. After dinner as usual Anaya was standing in the balcony, staring at the sky. She was thinking about Arhan.

He was so confusing to her. She wasn't able to decide whether he is bad or good. Because the way he talks or the attitude he carries was so rude but the way he cares was something different. He literally stayed there for her, he was genuinely concerned about her. Was Ronit right? Is he not what he looks like? Is there another side of him? But he is rude. Or maybe not. Aahh....why is this guy so confusing.

Wait why are you thinking about him?

I am not.

You are.



No just stop this. She scolded her inner self who was troubling her. She took a deep breath and decided not to think about him. She went inside and slept.


Next day in lunch, Arush came to Anaya and asked " Hey Anaya, so today also same time same place "," ya sure" she replied with a sweet smile. "No" a cold voice came. Both of them looked towards the direction of voice and saw Arhan. Arush frowned and asked "Why?" Arhan came to them and replied in a cold voice " You don't need to come, it's our punishment we will do it. You focus on your studies " ," It's OK I don't have any issue " said Arush.

"But I have....I mean what's the need, we can do it. Even Anaya will also not like it if you compromise with your studies. Right Anaya?" He said the last line looking at her. Anaya blinked her eyes two three times as he turned to face her. She composed herself and said " Ya he is right Arush, don't worry we will do it " and smiled tightly.

Arush came a little forward and placed his hand on Anaya's hand and said in a assuring tone " okay but don't hesitate to tell me if you need something or any kind of help" Anaya nodded but Arhan...he was just glaring at his hand which was on her hand. What was the need to do this? How dare he touch her?? His eyes were shooting daggers and his fingers curled into fist inside his pocket and jaw clenched.

Anaya smiled and replied " ya sure and thank you for me helping me". Arush too smiled but he didn't took his hand back. Now Anaya too started feeling something uneasy. 5 seconds he didn't took his hand back.

10 seconds

15 seconds

20 seconds

Just when Anaya was about to say something Arhan took Arush's hand in his hand " let me also thank you " saying this he pressed his hand a little hard. Arush was not ready for this sudden moment, he immediately jerked his hand from his hold when it started hurting. Both of them glared at each other with devouring eyes. Both of them knew each others intentions but none of them uttered a single word as Anaya was also present their.

Anaya was confusingly staring at them. Their eye conversation broke when they heard the sound of bell. Arush went to his seat after passing a glare. Arhan turned his face towards Anaya who was already looking at him with her doe eyes. Uff.....these eyes.

"What?" He asked in a cold voice controlling his emotions. Anaya blinked her long eyelashes two three times and said " nothing ". After a while teacher came and started teaching.

At the time of dispersal, Anaya was packing her stuff. Almost everyone left only few were remaining. After packing her stuff she went outside. As soon as she came out her eyes landed on Arhan. He was standing their leaning against the wall.

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