Sergeant James Snider

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Sergeant James Snider

Lieutenant Kyler Hayes has been bringing me up to date with what's been going on around here. This isn't my usual dig but I had agreed nevertheless because Casapian and I went way back and I knew for definite it had to do with a girl why? Because he's never rambled on about how much he had fucked up you see one thing about Cas he doesn't know how to turn in the charm when it comes to this ladies and how to tone it down when it comes to much and they begin to freak out. Even when we toured together he wasn't a good flirt he was never sure on how to pick up girls or ladies. That's how he had got into this predicament, one he had got himself into many times; his paso aggressive nature failed him to find a girl who could tolerate him. Believe me he's tired and failed and this one sounds like a total failure.

He came to me personally so he didn't have to explain himself to anyone who didn't understand him like I do. I have tolerated his bullshit for over ten years though there are five years separating us. We are good friends and have each other's backs. This twonk on the other hand doesn't seem to have that respect for his superior as I've learned from his non-stop chatter.

"I'd like it if I could meet Miss Evans and introduce myself. I'm sure by now she's heard the news that Sergeant Caspien Hollingway has transferred to another camp and I'm here to take his place."

He beams at me. "I'm sure she'll be happy to meet you Sergeant Snider. She's one of the most humblest people you'll ever get to meet. She came to camp here last Easter and she worked wonders with the other campers so much so Sargent Hollingway put her name forward to become a camp counsellor. She's here four days a week, the other she spends at college though Sergeant Hollingway wanted her to do all of her training, but she's stubborn and wanted the whole "college experience"." You'll understand what I mean when you meet her."

I nod I've heard a lot about Miss Evans so I need to see for myself what all of the fuss is about. I know an awful lot about her mother and father even if I'm only thirty this slimmer I've heard all of the rumours. I hope she's better than her no good for nothing father sergeant Hemingway and this Lieutenant seem to think so, so we'll see shall we?

We turn the corner and Lieutenant Hayes smiles so wide he could swallow the world. "Talk about the angel and she will appear in front of you."

"What are you talking about Lieutenant Hayes?"

"Carly Evans is over there Sergeant Snider. With Lieutenant Stanford."

I look over at the two people talking. I can't hear what they are talking about from here but when she turns the air is taken from my longs I've never seen a girl so different in my entire life and being in the army I've met plenty. No wonder he called her an Angel but I'd my eyes she was more like a she devil on all those dark clothes, eyeliner and piercings.

"Come on, I'll introduce both of you. I'm sure Lieutenant Stanford hasn't had time to explain why you are here."

I nod, rendered speechless for the first time in my almost thirty years on this earth.

We strode over to her and I finally found my voice as we got closer to the Sergeant Stanford and the vixen."You must be Miss Carly Evans?"

"I am."

"I'm Sergeant James Snider. I am acting sergeant for the foreseeable as Sergeant Hollingway has been transferred to another camp, up on his request. I was only too happy to step in."

She looks confused but smiles politely and puts her hand out. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant Snider."

I place my hand on hers and wrap my hand around hers and shake it which is my ultimate mistake. Bolds of static electricity shoot up my arms.

Lieutenant Hays grinned, wiggling his eyebrows Damn childish.

"Can we talk privately, Miss Evans?"

"I'm not in any trouble am I?"

"Of course not, please follow me."

She smiles and nods. I finally manage to take my hand from hers and we leave the two Lieutenants with their mouths hanging open.

"I know you'll have many questions about why I'm here and I'm happy to answer them." I say as we go further away from the Lieutenants who have finally gained their composure and headed to the training ground.

"A few."

"Fire away."

"Where's Casapian?"

I look at her, my eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, erm."

I grin, she's cute stumbling over her words. She'll get used to me and how I work eventually.

"Sergeant Holoingway, where did he go and why?"

"To another Camp and I think you know why Miss Evans."

She nods. "I was going to put it all behind me and move on we're friends. I don't see why one mishap has to ruin that."

I grin. I like her attitude a lot. "I've known Sergeant Hlollingway for a long time, Miss Evans and he's an oddball at that. He hides in his office so he doesn't have to show his feelings towards others. And somehow you managed to break that in him and he took it as a positive not a negative. He can be a little over the top when it comes to women, let's just say he has no clue how to act around them and they don't like it and he may or may not become irrational, this time I'm not sure how irrational he became but. he realised his mistake and asked me to step in."

"We could've gotten over it. He hadn't got to leave on my account."

"I know Miss Evans but he just didn't do it for you but for himself too for his own sanity. He likes you a lot, Miss Evans and he doesn't want to ruin your chances at a future you've worked so hard to get into, do you understand."

"Yeah I do."

I smile. "How old are you Miss Evans?"

"I'm sixteen and you can call me Carly."

I nod, erm no I'm professional even if everyone around me isn't.

"Moving on. Your dress code?"

"What about it? Don't you like it?"

I do but I'm not about to tell her that. "Do you think it's appropriate for the job you're doing?"

"Cas..Sergeant Hollingway had no trouble with it."

"Well I'm not Sergeant Hollingway."

"I was told to wear what I felt comfortable in and the kids would feel more comfortable around me."

I nod. "But you're not here to feel comfortable, you're here to do a job, not a fashion parade, do you get me?"

"I get you but.."

"But what Miss Evans?"

"Nothing." She sighs. "Can I go now? I have to get to the office?"

"Yes you may go Miss Evans. And remember the next time I see you you are to be in casual wear and that doesn't include jeans and half laced boots are we clear?"


"Yes, what Miss Evans?"

"Yes, Sergeant Snider." She said mock saluting me. Walking away mucmbing. "If I wanted to be in the army I would've joined it."

I chuckled and the girl had some brawl. She was exactly the type of girl I went for usually. But not here and not now.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now