The truth Pt 2

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"It is, she broke up my fucking family!" I snapped what wasn't there to get?

This girl was getting on my last nerve.

"No she didn't, she had no idea how your father felt about her until he was out in the stand against my father. Who the hell was she supposed to know he was having a child with someone else? She didn't."

"You have no idea how I've felt all these years growing up in his shadow having to tolerate his bullshit and regret."

She placed her hand in mine. And looked into my eyes. For the first time I saw the real her, a girl that was trapped in herself and had no idea which way to turn but she was trying to save the world from assholes that didn't deserve to be loved. "I'm sorry Ethan. I have no idea what goes on in your family life. But my mother isn't to blame if anyone is to blame, it's your father for not being able to let go and move on from something that was never going to happen and someone that was never going to want him. Your mom and you are worth more than what he thinks you are. You need to realise that you're better than he gives you credit for. You're running a camp with your friends and doing a pretty good goddamn job at it. Your mother should get the hell out of the relationship. It's obviously their in a toxic relationship and it's showing through you and your issues with me and my mother.

Your father obviously isn't the man everyone makes him out to be. You don't need to prove shit to him Ethan he doesn't deserve it. If you want to prove yourself to someone prove,it to yourself that you are a better man than he'll ever be."

I smiled for the first time in years I realised I should never have judged her based on my fathers feelings for her mother. My mother has suffered long enough. "I've told her several times to leave him but she seems to dismiss it. He's a worthless sack of shit that's belittled me all my life comparing me to everyone, even her. He thinks I'm not worth his time and it's too much effort to even get to know my own son."

"I'm sorry Ethan I.."

"Don't be he's an egotistical prick and thinks everything he says and does is right. He's sending me to the army base and away from here and my friends."

"Why? You belong here at your camp doing what you do best."

I smiled. "I wish it was that simple, Evans, but it's not. My father thinks I need to grow a pair, I'm in grave need of being able to respect not only my officers but civilians too. Especially after the fiasco yesterday."

The pad of her thumb brushed under my eye. I hadn't even noticed I was crying. "I'm sorry Ethan you don't deserve this, it was one mistake."

"One mistake I should never have made."

"Let me make it right so you can stay."

I laughed. "It's too late for that, Evans. It's already been decided once you head back to school I'll be heading for the barracks in Devon for two years.

I'll be stripped of my badge and I'll have to start all over."


"I deserve it, Evans, for everything I put you through. My friends will be sent to different barracks so we are apart. I may lose my friends but at least I'm away from my father for two years."

She nodded and smiled. I leaned forward placing my hand on her face. "One thing I know for certain is I'll never forget you." I pressed my lips softly on hers, kissing her and moving away. "I'll miss you Carly Evans. I know we didn't get off to a great start but if and when I see you again I'd like us to be friends."

"I'd like that."

I pulled myself up and her hand dropped off mine. "I'll see you again Carly Evans."

She smiled. "You will."

I smiled hoping I would and walked away leaving Carly alone. I had to get back to the camp and continue with what I'm here to do until Monday. I would need to pack over the weekend, one thing I wasn't looking forward to.


I finally feel refreshed after talking for almost an hour with Ethan. I now understand him better than I ever thought I would have. I had no idea what I was expecting when he spoke to me. I wasn't expecting him to confide in me about his family, what my mother had to do with any of this and more importantly what an asshole his father really was.

Mom didn't speak much about Seth Hollingway. One thing I did know was that she put him on his ass when she was sixteen. I had no idea he was infatuated with her to the point he treated his own son like shit because he simply wasn't his and his poor mother had gone through years of mental abuse, you could understand why the kid had turned out the way he had.

He'd been mentally abused all his life tormented by his own father because he wanted my mother not his. He was his son for Christ sake No one should be out thrifty something liek that no older he was fucked up in the head. He'd painted this picture that his father was acting like he was because my mother had fallen in love with someone that wasn't him: my stepfather.

He chose to go back to Ethan's mother when he could've just sent child support he had chose to start again and try and make it work with her and bring up their child though he never had any intentions of doing so I don't know the full story and I don't need it what I see is a broken teenager struggling through his insecurities because his own damn father belittled him at every turn , every time he tried to make him happy and make him proud of the man he was turning into

But him treating him like he was shit off the bottom if his shoe made hin rebel and think fuck it if he wasn't going to take notice of everything he was trying to get praise for why not turn the tables and do somthing against him. I guess his fathers resentment towards him and his mother had taken a toll on him and their constant reminder that they'd never be good enough that his mother wasn't mine and he wasn't my mothers child had given him some serious damage. He had some serious issues he needed to sort out but throwing him into the army wasn't going to do it , him being stripped of his position wasn't going to do it. Seeing someone and talking to someone who understood would, well hopefully anyway.

I now knew what I wanted from life I hadn't up until now. I wanted to help out children who were in the same position as Ethan. One day I hoped I'd see him again and run the idea by him and hopefully get him on side to help me out and give advice to those who were in the same boat as he is.

I smiled walking back across camp. Charlie looked over at me and I looked at him. He opened his mouth but hinting came out.

"Carly, come to my office I'd like to speak to you."

Wow, good impression. I looked at Caspian and his face was hard, oh oh. "Sure on my way Sargeant."

He nodded and turned back heading back to his office. I looked around for Charlie but he'd gone. I shrugged my shoulders and headed towards Caspians' office.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now