Jealousy doesn't suit you

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My parents had left for the drive here an hour ago after they had met Casapien Hollingway. Who was very polite, unlike his brother, who I loathe. They spoke about my mom's time at the camp with Seth, Dominic Hayes my old headmaster; Ktyler's father and a guy named Christopher Stanford better known as Bulldog whom I presume is Jonathan's father now he has taken on the nickname they recognized how my mom had beaten everyone at their camp games and whipped Seth Holley ways ass. I wish I had been a fly on the wall for that I would've laughed my ass off. The guy needed to be taken down a peg or two. He was an arrogant asshole who thought he was better than everyone else but came unstuck when it came to my mom. Though he'd congratulate her I'm sure he didn't mean it or it came from the bottom of his cold heart. It was no doubt what was set in ink that they had no choice but to congratulate those who came on top. But at a guess no one had ever had let it go over the years, a teenage girl whipping a Sergeant Major's ass, literally.

I checked and I really wish I had been there. It was still the talk of the camp even after all of these years the girl everyone knew as the camp girl who kicked the sergeant major's ass in the games. I could see why everyone liked my mom. She was always smiling and laughing. I frowned and wondered if she ever regretted having me, the child who got bullied daily just because I chose to be different from the norm.

"You know jealousy doesn't suit that pretty face."

I looked up and smiled. "Who's jealous of whom?"

"I saw you frowning Carls."

"Don't mean to say I'm jealous of anyone."

Kyler sat down. "So why the frown on your face?"

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Mom. She looks so happy here with everyone like she belongs."

"And you don't feel like you belong here?"

"I feel like I don't belong anywhere."

"I'm sure you do."

I shook my head. "I'm the freak that doesn't have any friends Ky."

"Yes, you do. You have me and Bulldog Junior."

"I know I mean other than here."


"I never fit in anywhere I went. Everyone looked at me as if I was a freak of nature even when I didn't dress like this. I was all alone apart from Aiden. He was my protector against all those who didn't like being different from the norm. I wasn't always like this. I changed when I went to high school hoping to make friends, but instead, I got called a freak and other horrible names just because I chose to be different from anyone else. Elijah and his friends always mocked me and bullied me because of it and I just snapped at how I ended up here in the first place cause I flipped my lid."

He dropped his arm around me pulling me in for a hug. "You're not different early, you are you. If you were like them you'd be another statistic, another face that resembled the next. I like the way you are and others would agree."

"Many wouldn't."

"Well, they're all fools."

I laughed if only I thought that was true.

"Jonathan and I were only too happy to have you back here with us for the summer. I wish we had been longer with you."

"I'm glad to be back. I'll be here during the holidays, apart from Christmas I will be celebrating with my mom, dad and brother."

"We'll be heading home for Christmas too. Maybe you can join us for the new year and see it in with me and Jonathan."

"I'll think about it."

He smiles as my parents come over. "We're going now, sweetie."

I pull myself up. "I'm going to miss you both; mom, dad." I said hugging them both."

"We'll miss you too sweetie."

They hugged me back.

"Be good, angel. And don't let these guys here boss you around." My dad said, chuckling.

It seemed weird to call Josh, Dad but it seemed right at the same time. He's always been more of a father to me than my own.

They pulled away. "Bye, honey."

"Bye, angel."

"Bye Mom, Dad."

They smiled and told Kyler to take care of me he told them he would with a sir and mam at the end of his sentence. I shook my head and chuckled

They got in the car. The car horn blasted and they both waved. Kyler and I waved back watching the car head off the campsite.

"Was that your parents?"

We turned as Bulldog Junior strode over to his doc martins thumping on the ground. "Yeah."

"Damn, I wanted to introduce myself to them and tell them how happy we are to have you back and we would take care of you."

"Already did."

He frowned and pushed his lips together in a thin line almost pouting.

You could've waited, Kyler, you knew I wanted to talk to them and you knew I was busy."


"Carly is my friend too."

"Jealousy really doesn't suit you."

He looked at me. "I'm not jealous honey, he's being an ass cause he wants you to lto himself."

"Carls is right, jealousy doesn't suit you."

He glared at Kyler and I laughed. "Maybe I can introduce you to them on New Year's?"

His eyes lit up. "Really?"


I nodded.

"So the guy at the cabin? Was he really your brother?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he's my stepbrother but he's my older brother. We've never labelled it as step-siblings, just brother and sister. We've been close since I could walk. He's my father's and aunt's son. Technically she isn't my aunt but I call her that anyway. It's a long story so to cut it short. He had I am six years before me and we grew up together and found out the truth when he turned sixteen he's been in and out of prison we reckon it's to do with how he and our father aren't close. But, who knows the mind of a teenager. He got out the day I picked my results up."

They both nodded. "It doesn't look good for him."

"I know." I sighed.

If Liam ended up back inside for protecting me I will never forgive our father. Ever.

"I'm sure you'll get filled in, babe, but your father isn't happy about him taking you away from him."

"Sperm donor." I corrected him. "And he didn't take me away from him he took himself away from me when he fucked everything up with my mom. Liam was only protecting me from the asshole he really is."

"We understand but I don't think the court will, babe."

"I know."

"Come on babe let's go down to the lake and child for a while I'm sure Cas will find us when he has any news about your brother."

I nodded following them to the lake where we sat down with their arms over my shoulders and around my waist making me feel more content than I ever had.

We watched the sun set and the ripples over the water in a peaceful silence.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now