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Bulldog Jr.

Today was the worst day ever for Kyler and I had to testify against Carly's brother as Caspian had the day before they told us that they had to make sure that all our stories aligned and none of them had changed or been altered as we knew Miss Evans and her relationship with her brother. 

We knew she was close to Liam  as a big brother and younger sister close,  but not the close they were insinuating. That would be classed as illicit and wrong in so many ways. 

We were there for Carls but we couldn't lie under oath and in the house of the judge. That didn't go down entirely well with her, like at all she thought we would take her side because we understood why what happened happened and why Liam was content in keeping her safe and with him. 

We did but he had gone the completely wrong way around about doing things. We just wished she saw it as we did.


Carls had been on a downer all week. She was no longer talking to Cas, Jonathan or me for that fact after we were called to the stand yesterday to tell the court what had happened. Our version of events, so they call it.  

Apparently the guy she went to school Alijah had given them his statement of what he had saw that day as he left the school he only got a glimpse of the car but he recognised Carly as she got in and it drove away that fast that he couldn't see a number plate or  see who was in the driver's seat. He had told them he had later gone to the Kingsleys with his father to see if they could find Carly and where he later confessed to seeing her get into the car.  Then Aiden had told his parents that Liam was being released from prison. Aiden had later taken the stand this morning everyone was knackered and wanted to sleep but we all knew that was never going to happen we were all exhausted to a point I think Carly was going to pass out. She had no one to comfort her when Aiden took the stand as she refused to acknowledge any of us. Would she  do the same to him once he spoke the truth?

Apparently not. He had told the judge and the jury that he had spoken  to Liam three days prior his release but he was unsure of the date all he knew was it was close to the date that Carly got her results and the date was confirmed when Carly hadn't showed up at home and Alijah had told everyone that he had seen her get into a dark car with blacked out windows.  He went on to tell them he stayed at the Kingsleys with Alijah whilst everyone else was out looking for her they reckoned it was safer to stay indoors just incase things got nasty but he didn't seem to think so cause Liam wasn't his father he wouldn't kill innocent people to protect the ones he loved unless necessary. I believe him he never once tried to attack us when we tried to get Carly back to the camp just the opposite he had tir3d to get her away form us as far away as possible he had no weapons on him none that were visible he wasn't a threat to any of us even Carly though she was crying and begging him to let her go he never once pulled a weapon before I gave him the sedative to put him to sleep until he was in a cell.  It was the hardest decision I had to make knowing that Carly may not ever forgive me for it. But she hadn't blamed me, until now when she had thrown it all in my face as we left the courthouse and she told me that if I had never drugged him she would've been able to calm him down and talk him out of his stupid decisions but we both knew that would ever happen. She told both Jonathan and I that she hated us and that stung after everything we had been through these past months.

Aiden hugged her as they left the courtroom. "We're heading home guys."


"You can come if you like."

"No it's fine you both go on, we'll see you for the verdict tomorrow."

"Okay." He sighed knowing how stubborn Carly was once she had got something in her head.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now