The games day 2

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Bulldog Jr

"That was damned close."

"Next time you have any bright ideas. Leave me out of them." Tyler snapped.

"Ditto." Carly agreed.

Gee I was only thinking of her and celebrating her job here. I won't bother trying next time.

I grunted . "Don't worry there won't be a next time."

"What's got you so pissy Bulldog?"

"It's like I can't do anything nice for a new member of our team."

"It was a nice thought, it really was."

"But?" I questioned.

"It would've been an even better idea if we had left it until the games were over. And your Sergeant is right, I'm underage."

"Pfft. Like we haven't done it before right, Ky?"

"Yeah sure."

"We were legless when we got accepted."

"And what happened, Bulldog?"

"And when we got our first medal." I continued ignoring him.

"The same happened then too."

"Whatever. Are you going to dampen my mood yet again."

"We're lucky we're still here bulldog we could've got kicked out."

"And why are we still here?"

"Our olds."

"Yeah them too. But I got us out of it."

"You almost didn't."


"Come on guys don't be mad at one another we all make mistakes and we'll probably make more, but not now or here. I'd like to say on your Sargent good side or my mom will think it's all been a waste of time sending me here."

We both sighed . I grinded. Dropping my arm over her shoulder pulling her in for a bear hug. "We're cool Carls." I looked at Kyler. "We're cool aren't we?"

He rolled his eyes. "Always."

"And once the games are over we'll give you a tour of our fav hideouts. How's that for compromise?"

Kyler death glared me. We'd never taken anyone up there, especially a girl. "Sounds fun."

"Oh it is."

"I'm in."

"Ky you in?"

"Defo. I'm not leaving you alone with Carls."

"I'm hurt dude." I said clutching my chest faking the hurt.

He laughed.

"Come on guys, it's getting dark . I'm so tired I need my beauty sleep."

"Your beautiful enough Carls."

She laughed. "If only I believed you, many wouldn't."

"Who are these idiots and where can I find them to pound it into them?"

"There's no need, Nathan, honestly."

"There is . You're beautiful, angelic, brass and sarcastic. What's more to ask in a girl?"

"Someone who's not me, someone who hasn't got the world's problems on her shoulder and who is a weirdo and a goth freak."

"Who ever says that are dumb and they obviously have issues with themselves." I looked at Kyler. "Don't they Ky?"

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now