The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

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Why is it every time I try and get close to this girl, and show her she not only had Jonathan and Kyler she has me too they turn up. I mean who the fuck tells them the I for,action that shouldn't be leaked. At a guess it was them nosy camp kids who couldn't keep their damn noses out of something that wasn't their damn business.

Now I can't comfort Carly like I want to cause Jonathan and Kyler have shown up like the fuckin shadows they are. Ever since Carly has started here they've been fuckin gushin over her and it makes me sick. There are other people here than them who are allowed to comfort her in her time of need. Now it's like a competition to see who can be there for her first, second and always I need time to gather my thoughts and feelings together for her before they get too dangerous like my brothers did for her mother and that didn't end well. Everyone feels drawn to a damsel in distress, in this case the goth girl who took our hearts in her hands and has a hard time trying to weigh the good from the bad and the ugly.

She pulls away from us all and smiles and my boxers tighten and now I know I'm in shit I can't feel anything other than plutonic for her she has a boyfriend goddamnit. "Thanks all of yo7 for being here for me. It means a lot."

"No need to thank us Carly, we'll always be here for you."

"All of us." Jonathan adds

"Whatever they said." Kyler contours.

"Well thanks anyway I've never had many friends as you know and I'm glad that I've got all of you."

We all smile. I don't know what these two knuckleheads are thinking, but I know one thing is for certain this girl has us string by the ball and wrapped around her finger. I don't know how I'm going to handle the next god knows how many years with her here and wanting more from her than I can have.

"No thanks needed Carly, we're always here no matter what time of day we'll always listen to you and help you the best we can."

She looks at me and smiles then at Jonathan and Kyler for confirmation it's true and they both nod with a dumb ass smile on their faces. She pulls us all in for a hug one by one. I hope she doesn't realise I have a chub.

"You're all the best but I'm drained from all of the drama today. Is it okay if I go back to my cabin and rest for a while."

"Sure take all the time you want I'll talk to whoever's over you and explain what happens but I guess they're already aware of the shit that hit the fan."

She smiles. "Thanks, Cas."

"No problem." I grit out, why does she have to sound like an angel right now? It's storing something inside me that hasn't happened for a long time.

"Well, walk you back."

"No it's fine, you've got a whole fleet of campers to put through their paces."

I grin widely, unnoticed.

"Are you sure Carls?"

"I am. I can't take you away from your duty boys. I'll be fine alone."

They sigh "Okay."

She chuckles. It's the first time in a long time I've heard her chuckle. It's like music to my ears. I don't know what's happened to me.

"I'll see you all later for supper."

"You will." We all chorus.

She smiles and bids us all goodbye.

Jonathan and Kyelr look at me and smirk.


"She's got to you, hasn't she?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You can't lie to us Cas. We know you. It may have taken you longer to realise than us but you've finally seen her for the angel she is. The rose between many forms. And we're the good, the bad and the ugly. It will only be a matter of time before she's single and she'll be on all of our radars but the question is who will she choose?"

"She's not something to be toyed with, she's a person and she has feelings too."

"That's not what I'm saying."

"So what are you saying?"

"We are all part of her life and we are all a constant and she will love us all from that but the question is will she choose one of us, two or all of us?"

"That's her decision to make if and when it comes to it."

"True but it will."

"You two need to go and do your job and tell everyone who blabbed about this will be represented and punished. It was a private matter and you need to get back to your duties."

"Yes Sergeant, sir," they say, saluting me.

I chuckle. Go, the both of you and you're dismissed.

They click their heels and head out of my office. I slump down in my chair wondering who she would choose if she was ever to find herself single, but I know for a fact that won't happen for a long time. You can tell she is in love with Aiden and he is with her. I sigh I need a distraction to stop whining about her.


I return to my cabin with a banging head so I take a few paracetamol and kick off my boots and drop to the bed in hope the damn thing will go away.

I can't believe that prick had the audacity to show back up here. He actually thought that would listen to his bullshit and always will believe Liam especially if it has anything to do with that sperm donor.

I can't believe he snapped when I pushed that he was never any father and Josh was and always will be. I finally saw my sperm donor for the person he really was. That day was weird. I've never put any thought into who has felt about me. We were always on neutral ground until today when I felt something I shouldn't. I don't regret hugging him but I think it won't be happening any I'm soon or in the near future.

This all happened four days ago and I'm back in his office wondering if it's a good idea and that I'm safe in his presence alone.

I'm happy that he has been given five years. At least now I can sleep better at night and not constantly worry that he'll show up and do worse than he did. He has finally shown his true colours and the dude needs help. He's got major anger issues.

I tell Cas I'm okay and things couldn't be any better.

He smiles and gets up coming around his desk. I swallow hard trying to forget the thing I felt when he hugged me. He kneels in front of me. Moving my fallen hair out of my face and staring at me I look at him nervously. "Are you sure you're okay? I know you didn't know him, but he's your father."

"He was never my father, you know that as well as anyone else Cas. Grant nothing to me. He never will, he's where he is meant to be even if it isn't long enough he's there for the time being. I saw his true colours that day. That was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't want to know or see what he was capable of. He can rot in there for all I care. I do not need someone in my life like that."

"You're one brave young lady, I'll give you that Miss Evans."

I smile. "You have to be in this world or you would get nowhere.

"True." He looked at me and smiled. "You're amazing Carly don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

"I won't."

He leans forward and I grow more nervous. He pressed his lips on my forehead. "You better not. You're amazing, everyone here thinks so. If anyone says differently, they're fuxking stupid too."

I smile. " I g..o n..ow?" I stutter, nervously.

He smiles. "Sure."

He pulls away and pulls himself up. I get up and head to the door.

"You haven't got to be nervous around me Calry, we're friends and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise that.

I smile and nod before I leave the office, closing the door.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now