Holier than thou Pt 2

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"How old are you Ethan?"

"Nineteen mam."

"Did you ever go to college?"

"Not mam. I went straight into the army. My dad got me a spot at Holleyngway camp to build kids up and make them realise that they can have a brighter and better future. Make them realise they are not just a statistic but a person and they can build up a barrier of defence against those who don't agree with their views.

His father smiled actually fucking smiled like he was fuckingvproud if the boy sitting next to him what utter bullshit he was portraying in front of my mom and me to make our he was the almighty God in this.

"Takes right after his dad. I had so much to offer the kids who felt unworthy and scared of the ones who had made their lives hell. My regiment was one of the best and I was glad I served with them and put together the camp for all those troubled kids. I am happy that Ethan is going along the same path as I did when I was his age." My anger was brewing. I had just heard enough of this guy's bullshit. Ethan grasped tightly onto my leg to stop me from making a scene but I am good at making a scene as my principal found out today. "You think you're great, don't you? You think you're some kind of damn God with your Holier than thou bullshit."

"Carly that's no way to talk to our guest you should know better than to disrespect a former sergeant. He's fought for queen and country, helped thousands of children see they are better than they think they are worth.."

"Don't mom he's no better than the men that have been in your life don't try and make him holier than the thou he's not."

"Carly that's enough!"

"No, it's not mom. You think he's the best thing since sliced bread and he's not. You'll look up to him because he was a Sergeant major, but he's nothing."


"He's just another asshole, another bully."

"I won't have you talking about our guest like that, Carly, it's rude and disrespectful."

"He's not my guest, he's yours. You invited him here. You may respect him but I never will."

"Carly that's enough!"

"I'm not finished yet." She clenched her jaw. "You did the best thing you could ever do and that was to beat his ass down, guess people's actions speak louder than words don't they Sergeant Major?"

"What are you talking about, Miss Evans?" He looked at my mother. "I thought your daughter would have learnt some respect and manners at the camp."

"So did I, " She sighed. "I'm sorry Seth, she's not usually like this."

"She must get it from her father because he learned the hard way. Maybe she will too."

Mom opened her mouth. But I was angry and piped up for this ignorance to continue. "HOW DARE YOU!."

They snapped their heads around at me. I stood pushing the chair back violently, it crashed and cranked as it landed on the floor. "You don't have the faintest idea of who I am and my feelings and you certainly don't have a clue about your sons."

"Listen to me, young lady."

"Don't come that young lady shit with me! I bet you wish he'd died in that hospital bed so you could leave his mother to pick up the pieces. Though she never gave a shit about him either."

"Don't Carly it, it's okay." He said, squeezing my hand.

I looked into his tearful eyes. "No, it's not o fucking okay Evan, you didn't deserve any of this cause that prick took you and your mother in out of pity cause he couldn't dip his dick onto someone he wanted, my mother." I looked at his father and sneered. "I hope you are happy with yourself. I know you find that it's all face, and you cover everything up with your bullshit to make you look like the doubtful father you make yourself out to be. Well, guess what I can see straight through you even if my parents can't and you say I'm like my father I think you find that it's you that's like the sperm donor, not me."

His mouth dropped open, unsure what to say. My mom gasped. "Carly."

"No mom, you're not even going to go there. He wanted you, you chose Josh, he made a decision he didn't want but made that sacrifice and he treated his son and the mother of his childlike trash simply because she wasn't you andEthan wasn't yours." I turned and looked at Evan's father, disgusted. "You don't deserve the title father or dad you're just a nobody. Evan deserves so much better. Yes, we didn't get off on the right foot because of who my mother was, but that was all your fault for not loving him as you should've. You belittled him and his mother every chance you got. We worked past it. He's a decent guy and if you could see that you'd be one step closer to being a better father."

"Are you some kind of shrink girl?"

"Maybe one day I'd like to help kids like me and Evan who are struggling to be accepted, to be loved, not to be bullied and to stand up to everyone around them that's ever hurt them and sent them a big fuck you."

"You think you know me girly but you know nothing."

"I know enough and what I do know is that what Evan does will never be enough to please you, and your stereotypical views on him suck. You're a bully, you do nothing else, you're the highest-ranking officer who only knows how to bully for respect. Well guess what bullying doesn't get you to respect it gets you resented. You'll never earn my respect cause guys like you make people like me do this." I said pulling my sleeves up showing every scar from every cut I've ever placed on my skin through those who have bullied and belittled me for being the shy, antisocial and a freak girl. There was only one person who understood me before I met Evan: Aiden. He was the only guy I'd ever trusted everything had come flooding back what Alijah fucking McKinley had done and caused between Aiden and I. "You see these? they're my scars, ones I'll have to carry for the rest of my life because of bullies like you who will never accept who I truly am. I have trust issues because people take me for a sap and for granted. But not any more guys like you are going to regret all the bullshit you ever put me through ill put all the bullies to where they all belong to teach each and every one of them a lesson. To make them feel how every kid who has been bullied feels, let's hope I make a difference and not one kid that has been bullied takes their own life." I said angrily. I looked at my mother who was pale and stuck for words. "I've lost my appetite. May I be excused?"

She nodded. I pushed my chair out looking at Ethan who was sitting pale, his eyes red. He looked miles away, recused and I turned back and walked away. Fuck I screwed eveythng up again, if his father lashes out at him this time it will all be my fault.

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