The Hearing Day 3 Pt 3

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Sergeant Major Caspian Hollingway

I was dreading telling the court what happened those few days. I knew Carly won't be happy with me or any of us for that matter. We had to tell the truth we had no choice ince we swore on oath she'll be angry with us for a while but she'll get over it I just hope he doesn't go inside for this he made a mistake we all understand he had done it to protect her but there a right and wrong way to do things. And this unfortunately is one of them if he is found guilty he will be sentenced and sent to prison.

Everyone returned to the court and sat down to hear my accounts of the so-called kidnap.

"Sergeant Holingway, we believe you and some of your soldiers found Miss Evans?"

"Yes we did, sir."

"Take me back to when you found out Miss Evans was missing."

"It was late August 24th when we were called by Mr Stevens he told us that his daughter Carly Evans was missing and that she had been picked up in a blackout black car. They believed she was with her brother Liam Stevens."

"Why did he call you and not Mrs. Kingsley?"

"She sounded distraught like she was crying and her husband was trying to calm her down."

"And did you go out looking for Miss Evans right away?"

"No sir, it was too dark to search for her. I alerted the soldiers at the camp and then Lieutenant Jonathan Stanford came to find me and said he noticed a fire about two miles away from the camp so I followed him to the river and he showed me where you could see the smoke in the sky. So I told him we would head up there at six hundred hours in the morning to make sure Carly and her brother weren't there."

"And who was there, Sergeant Holingway?"

"At first we weren't sure we didn't have anything on what Liam Stevens looked like but we knew Carly. So we separated and some of us went around the back so whoever was there wasn't aware of who was there apart from those who were around the front. Me and Lieutenant Kyle Hayes were at the front of the cabin whilst Lieutenant Jonathan Stanford went around the back with some of the other officers."

"Then what happened."

"A guy in his mid twenties came out asking us how we found the place. We told him it was pure luck, then we asked if he was aware that he was trespassing on private property? He replied with a flat No. and a sarcastic tone of I'm sure I didn't see any signs saying this place was private. Then I told him it belonged to Hope Kingsley. That's when his face changed.

I watched as he swallowed and he went rigid. He replied offstandish like he was hiding something he said that he didn't know that it belonged to Hope Kingsley. I continued to ask questions cause I was sure he was lying especially when I told him we were looking for a girl named Carly Evans.

I turned the mobile towards him showing him the photo. He studied it. Unnerved and told us that he was Sorry and that he had never seen her before.

I went on to tell him that had gone missing yesterday after school. A former student in her year said she got into a car outside the school. Their description fits the car over there. He decided to continue lying to us by telling us that he'd never seen her before. I slipped the mobile in my pocket.

And told him if that's the case you wouldn't mind if we took a look around."

He opened his mouth as the door opened. "What's going on Liam? I've seen shadows behind the cabin." A girl asked. And he snapped at her. To Get back inside. And she tried to argue. But she wasn't having any of it. Then I called her name and she looked at both Kyler and I and smiled befire she tired to run forward and he grabbed her she looked questionably at him as she asked him what was going on and telling him that we were hermy friends from the camp, they we wouldn't do anything."

He got angry saying that we weren't going to take her from him. They're not handing you over to him.

She tried to tell him that we wouldn't.

He didn't believe her and he screamed out No!

She told him that he was acting irrationally and to let her go. They're my friends, they won't take me to him I promise. He told her that he wasn't taking any chances and asked her why she couldn't have just stayed inside? Then he began to drag her to the car. Our guns were ready to shoot him down if he made one false move.

He said that he hadn't done it for nothing and he wasn't letting "him" get the better of him. After everything he did to him he wasn't going to do it to her too. She told him that they could get through it together and to get help

He finally snapped, saying that he didn't need any f'n help, he needed him to stay the fuck away from the both of us before he ended up inside for murder. She said he would end up inside for kidnap, and to let her go.

He didn't agree when he told her, "Never you're staying with me until he forgets either of us exist, especially you."

"What happens after that?"

"He let go of her and fell to the ground. She screamed "No!" And cried, collapsing to her knees. I had never seen Lieutenant Kyler Hayes run so fast. She fell onto his arms, clinging to him.

I told her that it was ok, it was only a stun gun. And he begged her not to meet with him, Carls. And she apologised and told him she was sorry but she had to because she needed to hear his side before I cut all ties."

"Where did Miss Carly Evans go after Mr Liam Stevens was taken away."

"To the camp where she let Mr Cameron Stevens talk to her before he told her he was pressing charges against Liam Stevens for kidnap and she told hoping she hated him."

"I see and do you think that Mr Liam Evans kidnapped his sister Carly Stevens?"

"No I don't, he just wanted to make sure she knew what scum her father was but he did it the wrong way."

"And what do you think the right way would've been?"

"To be close to where people could see them if things turned sour between them."

He nodded. "Court adjourned until nine hundred hours tomorrow." He said, banging the hammer down.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang