Hope Kingsley

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Joshua held me tightly as I continued to cry on his chest. All this was so messed up. Cameron was serving a sixteen-year sentence half of his original sentence, he wasn't allowed to see anyone whilst serving his sentence.

I guess getting divorced from two women and being told you're not allowed to be anywhere near them or your kids must mess your head up.

In Cameron's case, it was. I remember that horrific day well. And Josh was on our honeymoon moon. We'd abandoned the idea of either Jaxon or Caleb and Connie taking care of Carly. They already had their hands full with Aiden and their up-and-coming wedding.

Jaxon had finally come home and was starting a new relationship with a girl he had met at the convention; Isla. She was really pretty and headstrong she and Jaxon were the perfect matches both Caleb and Jaxon had agreed to take care of the house whilst we were away. What we didn't expect to see on the news headlines on the last day of our holiday.

There were helicopters, not just helicopters, but police and army helicopters. What the hell was going on?

"The news just in a male known to his friends as Scar, AKA Corporal Cameron Stevens to the army where he served for over twenty years was released yesterday from The army federal prison in Dorset.

What we know of the case he was tried and conducted of bigamy and adultery and served a year in the army prison and he was stripped of his title and badges.

He is walking through the streets with all types of firearms and aiming at passers-by with an intent to kill.

The army and police helicopters have been following his movements since a citizen who chose not to give their name contacted the police anonymously when they described the man whom they are now chasing.

They found out that he was released yesterday after serving his time in the army prison."

We watched in pure horror. The Scar I loved and knew was never like this, something must've sparked him to do such a thing.

"The army has rendered him dangerous and is sending a warning out to the general public to stay clear of him as he is unstable they believe he is like this due to being told he can see his children and his ex-wife's and it had made him lose his mind signing documents to which he had agreed to stay away from all parties."

And bingo. I couldn't believe something like this would have such an impact on him. He was never told about his daughter; his son had grown up knowing his father was in the army and then had gone to prison to serve for his sins.

We watched as they followed Scared to our house oh shit no. I screamed our no, no this can't be happening.

Josh pulled me into his arms. Telling me to calm down and it wasn't good for the baby or Carly. But I couldn't.

I watched as he took a shot at my only brother and my heart stopped.

He continued into the house where I heard more gunshots oh god what if Caleb was inside, what if Connie and Liam were with him? My tears fell off my face as Josh held me tightly trying to tell me everything was going to be okay.

There were police and army soldiers around my house. Jaxon had been put onto a stretcher and put into the ambulance. Cameron strode out with a rifle in his hand all bloody the hundreds pointing at him.

"After a grilling four-hour manhunt, following Cameron Stevens to this particular spot he had given up his gun and laying flat on the ground. They put the cuffs on him pulled him up and led him to the army police van pushing him In the van, the last casualty is taken to the ambulance in a stretcher. What every the put can of today is I'm sure Mr Cameron Stevans will be tried and sentenced."

I switched off the television and told Josh we were going home early. I needed to know everyone I loved was okay.

He agreed and we packed up heading back home.

Jax had his shoulder shattered and Caleb wasn't so lucky having his knee caps blown off. He had to undergo a lot of surgeries and plastic knee caps and legs to be able to walk again. Luckily Liam was at school. Connie and Aiden were at her parents when it was all going on.

"It's going to be okay Hope "

"How Josh? He's coming out soon and is going to want to see Carly."

"We have to leave it up to her babe. If we don't she'll end up resenting us, she is already suspicious of why Kaden was sent to a private school and she wasn't. We can't lie to her anymore Hope. Sooner or later she will soon find out why Kaden is there


Let her work this out herself. None of us is happy about his release, but he's done his time. She's sixteen it's up to her whether or not she wants anything to do with her dad or not."

"I know." I sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too babe." He said, kissing me softly.

I knew he was right but I was scared of losing my child. I had complications during birth and they said I couldn't have any more children then I found out I was pregnant with Kaden. My lucky charm.

Kaden was my last chance. The doctors said I was lucky to ovulate again. My walls weren't strong enough to bear another child, to the extent I had to have a c - section 2 months before my due date.

They had warned me I'd I had any more children there would be a 50/50 chance that if I decided to have another baby we both wouldn't make it. So I decided to have my ovaries tied.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now