Deep seething Anger

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Bulldog Jr

"Who was that angel?"

"No one."

"Didn't look like no one to me."

"Well it was, can we just drop it?l"

"Sure angel. Let's get some grub, bet you're famished?"

"I'm not hungry, I'm just going to head back to my hut, take a shower and call it a night."

"Are you sure Angel?"

"Yeah babe stay a little you need to eat."

"I'm cool. I'll see you both tomorrow."

Carly headed off and I looked in Kyler's direction. He looked as bamboozled as me. "Did I hear that correctly? Or did I just imagine Carly saying no to grub?"

"No you heard right bro. But the weird thing is she got angry with you she's never done that shit before."

"She has the same time that you did two days ago."

"That was different and you know it, bro. This was totally different and you and I both know it we got in shit for giving hermalchol this is on a different level entirely."


"Be realistic for once, bulldog. She knows that dude and she's hiding it because she knows that you'll go apeshit when you find out who the dude is and get into shit and she doesn't want that."

"You mean that was the guy from her high school who is a total asswipe, the guy that made her life hell and got her here in the first place?"


"I'm from going to fucking kill him." I seethed storming away.

Kyler ran up to me and grabbed me. "Wow bulldog, what the fuck are you even thinking?"

I cut my eyes at him angrily. What the hell was he even doing trying to stop me instead of joining me? "What the fuck Kyler! Get your fucking hands off me before you end up like that little prick is going to."

"Chill Bulldog, don't make things worse for you and Carly. For you, heck for all of us. You heard our sergeant major, we've had countless warnings. Do you really want to be kicked out and leave Carly to deal with this asshole alone?"

I sighed. "No, I don't."

"Well real in your anger and deal with him after the games okay?"

I sighed again. Okay."

"Come on, let's get some grub before calling it a night."


He smiled. "She'll be okay as long as she has us."

"I know." I sighed.

We strolled into the cafeteria and grabbed some food and drink sitting down and eating in silence. Once we had finished our supper and had our drinks we placed our empty trays on the tray holder and headed out. Getting stopped, by Casapien asking where Carly was and why she hasn't joined us for supper. We explained to him that she had gone to her but out of exhaustion and wasn't hungry.

He nodded and carried on with his rounds as we left. "I'm brushed. It has been a long day."

"It has." I agreed.

"I'm hitting the sack."

"I'll just hang for a while."

"Don't do nothing stupid bulldog," he warned.

"I won't."

"Don't stop out all night, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"I won't."

He nodded, walking away in the direction of our shared hut. I continued walking. I needed time alone to think and I couldn't do that whilst Kyler was snoring.

I headed to the lake and sat down to think how I was going to get around this without getting anyone else in shit.


I couldn't sleep. I'd tried so hard when I had left Kyler and Bulldog Jr. I tossed and turned for the last few hours. I had finally given up and flung my bed cover off and stormed into the bathroom and relieved myself then washed my hands. I stared into the mirror fuck I looked like shite. I quickly splashed my face with water and turned the tap heading back into my room and changing into my clean sports top, underwear, leggings and trainers before I headed out to a spot where I knew I would be alone which gave me time to think of how I was going to deal with alijah and tell Jonathan who he was. After all, he'd respected me that much to let me call him by his first name which only a few had the privilege of.

I headed to the lake where I was surprised to see Jonathan who looked see in thought. I didn't want to disturb him so I silently headed his way and sat next to him staring over the river, yep he was definitely thinking hard about something. So, I sat there next to him in silence gazing over the river watching how the lightning shimmered across the water and got lost in my own thoughts until he spoke. "Hey Carls didn't see you there."

I snapped out of my thoughts looking at him, his green eyes sparkled like emeralds in the moonlight. "You looked like you were in deep thought so I sat down and left you to it."

He smiled. "I was but it looks like you were too."

"I was."

He smiled again. "I came here to think no one comes out here after dark. I'm surprised to see you here angel."

"Couldn't sleep."

He nodded. He sighed, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry I made you angry earlier."

"I'm sorry, I snapped."

"No need. I know why and I know who he is."

I swallowed hard.

"Kyler actually worked it out, that's why I'm here."


"I wanted time to process everything and decide what I'm going to do about it."

"What are you going to do Jonathan?"

"I'm going to leave it until the games are over. I don't want you and Kyelr to get in shit for what I'm going to do. I'm going to have it out with him no one and I mean no one treats a girl like that, especially an angel like you."

I smiled id only ever had Aiden stand up for me. Knowing this six-foot brick shit house was so I couldn't help but feel emotional. So I hugged him. "Thanks, Jonathan it means a lot."

He squeezed into him. "Anything for you Angel." He said, kissing my forehead. "Come on, we best head back and catch some z's before tomorrow. I hope you're ready, angel?"

"I was born ready."

He grinned, taking his arm from around me pulling himself up. He held out his hand. "Let's go angel."

I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. "You know angel if you weren't already taken imp would ask you out."

I laughed. "And how would that fit into your army life."

"I'd find a way."

"I'm sure you would."

He smiled. "Come on let me walk you back to your hut before Casapien does his rounds."

I nodded and he laced his fingers with mine leading the way back to camp. We stood outside the cabin and he let go of my hand. "I'll see you broth and early angel."

"You will."

He pecked my cheek and we said goodbye before I headed inside to get some sleep before the last day of the games tomorrow I knew I needed it. Now, my eyes were burning telling me they needed some well-deserved shut-eye.

I sloth over to my bed and dropped down on it, closing my eyes.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now