I'd be a hypocrite (forgiveness)

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I had a couple of days left here at camp before returning home for school. It hadn't seemed to be as long as it had. I have been here almost a month now and I must say I've enjoyed it more than I had expected to. I've made a handful of friends and done things I would never have dreamed of. Some had done previous because mom and josh had taken us on adventure holidays through the summer holidays. But this was more grilling. I also learned to respect others more than I ever had. I can't say the same for alijah but. He's not my main concern, it's the ones I had made friends with during my stay here. I had the utmost respect for all of them. They were soldiers taking time away from the wars around the world to help kids in all different types of situations from bullying to self-harm.

I was one of those kids but I knew even once I returned home and to school it would still overshadow my life in high school at least I only had a few months left. I was taking my exams in a few month's time then I could finally put that part of my life behind me and do what I found I was really good at : listening and offering advice to those who were in a similar situation to me. I knew once summed came around I would be back here under the watchful eye of one of the counsellors. Something I didn't mind. At least I would be learning I'm a professional and now I knew what I really wanted to do at college. I am on my way to talk to Casapien to see if he can help me get into a college near me to do a course on counselling or psychotherapy. I really want to do this to make someone's life better and make it worth living.

I know how it feels to think you're not worth it and your life is worthless because people just see you as a "freak" , someone not worth their time. I've felt it all my life though I had loving parents. I know Joshua is my step dad but I see him more as a father figure than my own. I just find it hard to call him dad though he doesn't complain or, mind I don't call him dad and just Josh. He wants me to feel comfortable enough to call him what I see fit. I will call him dad one day but I'm not quite there yet.

I need to find out the truth before I can. I need to terms with it before I put my father behind me once and for all and only then will I be able to call Joshua my dad.

First things first I need to talk to Charlie before he leaves and tell him that I forgive him if I don't I will feel that like a hypocrite because I've already forgiven Ethan and he was the ringleader in all of this Charlie was a follower just like Ethan's puppets.

I walk across the camp towards Caspian's office and spot Charlie. He looks at me and his face drops. I know by the look on his face he still regrets everything he had done and was a part of because of Ethan but he looks as if he wanted to turn and run away. So before he does I call out. "Hey Charlie can we talk?"

He looks at me surprised. "I don't know Carly. I think I've done enough damage. I've ruined a friendship. I could've had by siding with the one guy that hated you. I'm leaving soon so I should really get my things packed." he said walking away.

They wait up, Charlie! I forgive you."

He turned abruptly. He stared at me with confusion written upon my face. "Why?"

I opened my mouth but he continued. "Why Carly? Why forgive me for something I was involved in? I agreed to help Ethan when I should've stuck up for him and told him where to shove it. But I didn't and now I am all alone with no friends again."

"But you have one. Me."

"Why Carly? Why be my friend at all? Why forgive me?"

"Because I would be a hypocrite if I didn't forgive you when I forgave Ethan. You're my friend Charlie. I would like us to still be friends."

"What if I ruin our friendship and turn on you?"

"Then we end our friendship just like I'll end it with Ethan if he ever disrespects me ever again."

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