Chapter 93

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When Marguerite entered the dining room later, a hint of vanilla and cinnamon danced in the air, mingling with the sweet perfume of the crimson roses that adorned the table's center. A dozen candles flickered softly, their warm glow painting the brick walls with the shimmering light of a thousand fireflies. The soft crackle of the fireplace added a comforting soundtrack to the ambiance. Linen napkins lay folded beside gleaming silverware, the perfect finishing touch to this romantic setting.

Across the room, Jacob awaited her at a small round table draped in a snowy tablecloth. As she approached, he rose to his feet with a flourish, pulling out her chair with a practiced ease. His chivalrous demeanor fit perfectly with his previous image as a master of seduction.

Yet, Marguerite had discovered a glimpse of something deeper beneath his carefree facade. Tonight, determined to explore this hidden side, Marguerite settled into her seat, anticipation simmering in the candlelit air. She picked up her fork, taking a delicate bite of the seared scallops resting on a bed of saffron risotto.
"So, tell me if the rumors about you are true?" she began, her tone casual, between chews.

"Which rumors?" he countered, a hint of amusement in his eyes, reaching for a sliver of crusty bread.

"You know, the whispers about a list of discarded mistresses, the broken hearts you leave in your wake," Marguerite pressed, a playful smile tugging at her lips, spearing a plump tomato from her salad.

Jacob chuckled, a rich sound that sent shivers down her spine. "Those are nothing but malicious gossip." Marguerite noticed that Jacob addressed the issue without hinting at someone else's ploy.

"I wonder how your mother takes it all," she mused, feigning nonchalance, pushing aside a stray piece of arugula.

Jacob leaned back in his chair, swirling the wine in his glass thoughtfully. "Hm," he murmured, the sound punctuated by a clink as he tapped the rim against his teeth. The sip was followed by a slight grimace, a reaction to the wine's unexpected bitterness, or perhaps the unsettling thought her words had provoked.

"She knows me better than the people who spread those rumors." He finally said, setting the glass down.

"Sounds like she's a bit lenient. Let me guess, you're the favorite child?"

A wry smile, like a secret shared between them, played on his lips as he spoke. "Not necessarily," he corrected, taking another sip. The smile faded, replaced with a hint of wistfulness. "She's always been fiercely protective of Joseph, my older brother," he explained.  He gestured with a hand, emphasizing the point.  "I believe it's because our father was much harder on him. You see, Joseph is the heir."

Marguerite studied him across the table, her earlier annoyance replaced with a newfound empathy. Now that she had a glimpse into his childhood, the pieces began to fall into place. His mother's indulgence of his brother, His brother's attempts to sabotage him, his own carefully constructed facade of indifference - it all clicked into a coherent picture.

"Didn't the same apply to you?" she inquired gently, her voice laced with concern.

He shrugged, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features for a brief moment. He seemed to withdraw slightly, pulling back into himself.
"I'm the second son, a spare," he replied with a nonchalant shrug, attempting to brush it off.  "The pressure on me wasn't half as suffocating as it was for Joseph."

Marguerite's voice dipped low, her earlier accusatory tone completely gone. "I suppose it wasn't easy for you either," she said softly.  "Did your brother ever resent you for having more freedom?"

Jacob steepled his fingers, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. He seemed to be weighing his answer carefully. "Being the heir has its advantages and burdens, I'm sure Joseph understands that," he said finally, his voice thoughtful. He leaned forward, his gaze intent on her.  "But enough about me," he continued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.  "Tell me about your family."

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