Chapter 33

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Failed to find a sufficient reason to decline, for the first time Matthew submitted to his friend's persuasion. However, he insisted they rode in their separate coaches, in case he found the play unbearable and decided to come home earlier. Not an hour later, they had settled in a private box at one side of the building. They had sneaked up late as per his request, to avoid being seen by the crowd. As a famous rake, Jacob was a magnet for attention, and being in his company was guaranteed to drag anyone under public eye, something Matthew would rather avoid at any cost.

From his perch up high on one side of the theatre, Matthew looked down on the crowd in the cavernous hall below. No fewer than six hundred people packed the auditorium, leaving not a single seat vacant. Apparently Jacob was not exaggerating when he said that the London public had gone wild for the show and its main attraction, a beautiful ballerina who'd risen to great fame within a very short time since her debut.

Though Matthew never had an interest in the opera, he must admit, he was quite impressed by the grandeur of the place. The very minute he entered the building, his first thought was that he must take Marguerite here one day. She'd only seen little beyond the walls of her suite, and it must be terrific for her to get to know life outside the club.

Before long, the curtains opened and the chattering crowd instantly hushed to silence as a woman in a floating fairy gown stepped out into the stage. Jacob leaned his head close to his and whispered,
"This is what everybody in town is talking about."

Matthew barely heard what he said, his attention instantly captured by the performer. She had long, dark hair and a pale complexion that reminded him of Arabella, and he leaned forward in his seat to have a better view. His interest didn't escape Jacob's notice.

"It appears you like what you see."

"Who is she?"
Matthew replied without tearing his gaze away from the stage.

"Anja Pavlova. The new dancing sensation. Beautiful, isn't she?"

He barely even blinked, but while his eyes trained on the gorgeous dancer, his mind fixated on memories of Arabella. Her smile, her laughter, the endearing way she turned up her nose or compressed her lips whenever she got upset, how she ordered him about like a queen and he her servant. And how fiercely and bravely she stood up for him, how she refused to leave his side in the face of peril, all flashing vividly through his mind, bringing his long-buried feelings back in full force.

Bella. What he wouldn't give to have a chance to see her again? He could never erase her from his mind no matter how hard he tried.

Staring at the ravishingly beautiful copy of Arabella on the stage below, he allowed himself to dwell in illusion and forget the present. Oblivious of the passage of time, he was barely aware that the performance had reached the end, until the auditorium resounded with cheers and wild applause as the audience below rose to their feet to give the performer standing ovation.

The dancer made an elegant bow and waved several kisses to the crowd. Matthew's eyes never left hers until she turned around and disappeared behind the curtains. Even then, his eyes were still fixed on the empty stage. He heard a hint of smile in Jacob's voice as he commented,
"I see you haven't had enough of the show."

He shook his head, as if to get rid of the spell that bound him.
"What can I say? It was a divine performance."

They remained in their box, waiting until the crowd had dispersed before rising up from their seats. Suddenly feeling gloomy, Matthew wanted nothing more than to return home immediately, but instead of leading him to sneak out from the rear entrance, Jacob brought them to the back of the stage, where a thin man with a nervous disposition who seemed to be the theatre manager showed them to a door with a peeling green paint and quickly disappeared from sight.

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