Chapter 56

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Dear readers, trying my best to deliver these chapters. Please feel free to leave your comment and let me know what you think about the characters, especially who do you like the most and which characters make the best pairing.

After escorting Marguerite to her suite, Matthew went to his study. Once inside, he poured himself some wine and sat contemplating today's events. This had been the first real glitch he'd encountered in his plan. He'd known it the moment Marguerite insisted on going to the party with him. This evening, he'd failed to help Bella and protect Marguerite from indecent advances. While he'd made amends to Maggie, he'd neglected Bella. He guessed she must be mad at him right now.

It occurred to him to go and sneak into Bella's chamber to explain about his absence, but at the moment, he was too anxious about one particular matter to trouble about Bella.

Not only Maggie's coming with him had ruined his plan, he'd also found a potential problem. He'd sensed it from the first time Jacob told him about his encounter with Maggie. That scoundrel somehow found Maggie interesting. Matthew had at first brushed his worry aside because it was unlikely that Jacob would bump into her again, but tonight, by a stroke of luck, Jacob had managed to impress Maggie with his virtuous deed. And really, Matthew was grateful for that, but he didn't like the idea of Maggie admiring another man, even just a bit.

A clicking sound from the door interrupted his thoughts, and he turned to see Wagner breeze into the room. His trusted employees headed straight to the mini bar without bothering to greet him. As usual, Wagner helped himself to one of the selection of premium wines on the top of the cabinet, pouring its content into a crystal glass. Turning his heels in Matthew's direction, Wagner peered at him over the rim of his glass as he sipped the vintage.

"Judging by the look on your face, the party must have been boring." He commented.

Matthew snorted,
"Worse. There has been an unpleasant incident. I left Maggie for a spell, and some blighter tried to harass her."

Wagner's face froze at the news.
"Jeez! Is she alright?"

"Thank God she is fine. Guess who came to her rescue?"



"Mannheim? How odd!"
Wagner took another sip before setting the glass down on the marble surface nearby.
"Well, I hate to admit it but now we're indebted to him. Anyway, how come you left Maggie alone in a strange place?"

"It's not like I left her alone out in the streets, Bill. It's a respectable place with a respectable crowd. Who would have thought such a terrible thing might happen?"

"Then I hope now you have learned your lesson. Where'd you go anyway? Why didn't you just take Maggie with you?"

"I couldn't."
Matthew paused, hesitating for a while, but then he decided to confide in Wagner.
"I went looking for Bella. She needed me."

In desperate need of someone to share his predicament, Matthew told Wagner about Arabella's ruse, the unexpected setback he suffered from Maggie's sudden interest in the party, and the potential problem that might arise from Maggie's encounter with Jacob. Wagner's forehead furrowed as he sat listening to the whole story, and his response was definitely not helpful.

"Matt, how can you be so blind to see that your lady lover is so selfish and inconsiderate? She only uses you to avoid being pressured into marriage. You're nothing but a means to an end."

"That's not the case, Bill. However, what I'm worrying about right now is; I don't think it's a good idea to let Maggie come with me to another party."

"She'll be fine as long as you stay by her side."

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