Chapter 82

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Just when Matthew thought that his world had come to an end, Arabella staggered into a halt. She turned around abruptly, her face drained of all colors as if she'd just seen a ghost. Before he could make out what made her so scared, she whispered frantically,
"Matthew, that's my mother!"

Matthew's gaze roved over the place and he immediately spotted Viscountess Winthrop across the lawn, strolling with her maid.

"Come, quick!" He took hold of her arm and propelled her away from the place. She offered no resistance, stumbling after him across the lawn, past the entrance gate and onto the sidewalk. It must be his lucky day, because just then, a hackney conveniently passed by. Matthew hailed the vehicle and as soon as it pulled by, Matthew opened the door and Arabella jumped into it.

"Go home. I'll come to you later and explain it all."

And as Matthew watched the vehicle receding into the distance, he sent a big, huge thanks to Heaven for the timely intervention of fate.


It wasn't until Matthew took Maggie home and headed to Arabella's place that a torrent of thoughts suddenly occurred to him.

What if Arabella never returned home and disappeared from his life forever? He'd never seen her so upset, and she was reckless and unpredictable. She wouldn't think twice about leaving him now that she thought he'd been lying to her all along.

Matthew peeked out the window for the umpteenth time as a rampant deluge of fears swamped him. If she disappeared, he would never get to know his child. His own flesh and blood. And the world isn't a safe place for a woman on her own, what if something happens to her? To their baby? He would never be able to forgive himself.

His fear intensified with every passing second. Matthew jumped out of the carriage before it reached the front gate and ran towards the front door like someone being chased by a mad dog. Behind him, the driver and the footman exchanged bewildered glances. He collided with the butler just inside the house. Staggering back, the older man stared at him in bewilderment.
"Sir, what a surprise."

Too distracted to reply the butler's greeting, he blurted right away,
"Where's Miss Winthrop?"

Relief flooded through him when the butler answered,
"She is in her chamber, Sir."

Despite himself, Matthew heart leapt in joy when he found her standing by the window with her back to him, gazing out onto the distance. She sensed his presence and turned around. Quickly he shut out any tender emotion and put on a mask of indifference. Coming forward, he gave her his most withering of glances, but she barely flinched. Thrusting up her chin, she returned his glacial stare.
"Well, now that it's clear that you're the one who's been hiding something from me during our relationship, what have you got to say for yourself?" She spoke first.

"Given the real nature of our relationship, I don't owe you an explanation. I have no right to demand anything from you, likewise you demand nothing from me, remember?"
He paused, defying her to counter him and feeling triumphant when Arabella only glared at him in impotent anger. Keeping his tone flat and businesslike, he continued,
"However, I feel the need to clear up the misunderstanding. First, I've never lied to you. I wasn't engaged during our entanglement. Unlike you, I've never cheated or betrayed anyone."

Arabella snorted,
"So I reckon that you met your fiancée after we parted ways. Wow. You must have been so desperate for a replacement that you rushed into marriage with a woman you know nothing about. I wonder why she accepted your proposal, but maybe I shouldn't. She looks like one of the silly marriage-minded misses whose sole purpose in life is to secure themselves a husband."

Scoundrel With A Noble Heart (sequel of Disgraceful)Where stories live. Discover now