Chapter 38

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Any other woman, the unmarried ones to be precise, would be ecstatic to attend a masquerade ball, but Lady Arabella Winthrop found this sort of thing dull and tedious, she might just as well stay home and sleep the entire evening. Over the past ten years, she'd had her fair share of all manner of balls and social gatherings. In her opinion, such events served no purpose other than to see and be seen, to show off, and, particularly for ladies, to display themselves like some purchasable goods for the men to assess based on their physical features and the amount of their dowry.

None of those appealed to her, so as usual she refused to go, but this time her mother wouldn't let her. The Viscountess got her all dressed up and practically dragged her to the party, turning a deaf ear to her vigorous protests. As if it weren't bad enough, the older woman continued to scold Arabella for her errant ways throughout the ride, not pausing an instant to draw breath. Unable to endure the torture for another minute, Arabella practically jumped out of the carriage the second they pulled up in front of the grand house, relieved to see the butler emerge with a footman, for she would have a moment's respite from her mother's endless ranting.

As they followed the footman into the house, the Viscountess's gaze swept around her luxurious surroundings, assessing every inch of the hallway from the paneled walls adorned with old tapestries and priceless paintings, to the gilded cornice and gold chandelier above.

"They are richer than I thought."
She commented, keeping her voice low so the footman wouldn't hear her.
"Too bad the duke is already taken, but he has a younger brother, Lord Jacob Mannheim. He has no title, but since you're past the appropriate age to be married, a second son will have to do."

Arabella rolled her eyes at the words she'd heard a thousand times before. Currently her mother couldn't mention any unmarried gentleman without listing them as a target of her matchmaking scheme. Not that she could blame her desperate mother for her recent obsession.

At the ripe age of twenty seven, Arabella was reckoned a confirmed spinster, and the disgrace of the family. Over the last few years, her parents had succeeded in marrying each of Arabella's elder sisters to a man of substance. Titled, wealthy, and reputable. So it was perfectly understandable for them to wish to see their youngest daughter marry well. But Arabella had another plan, and a husband wasn't a part of it.

After passing endless corridors, finally they arrived at the cavernous ballroom. Some of the guests waved their hands in acknowledgement of the Viscountess.

"Anne, you look amazing."
A mature lady in Guinevere costume hurried across to greet her mother. Both women exchanged brief pleasantries, then the woman's eyes shifted to Arabella,
"And this must be Arabella. How old is she now?"
In response to the impertinent question, Arabella pasted a little plastic smile and averted her eyes, not bothering to offer a polite greeting. Out of the corner of her eyes she caught her mother's disapproving glance at her, then the woman turned her attention back to her friend and answered the question.

As the older ladies chatted away about trivial matters, Arabella resisted an impulse to fidget with her skirt. Barely two minutes passed and she'd already been bored to tears listening to the false compliments and mundane talk. Glancing around her, she decided to go and get herself some drink. When she headed towards the nearest refreshment table, she encountered a man in a pirate costume. She immediately recognized the man as her one persistent suitor, Lord Jonathan Chase. She resisted an urge to wince when the handsome young lord paused to cast an appreciative eye over the low bodice of her Sultana gowns.

"What a sight you are this evening, my sweet little dove."
He spoke to her in a silky voice.
"Will you give me the honor to dance with you?"

Arabella snorted, deliberately making it loud enough for him to hear.
"You'd best direct your attention elsewhere, My Lord. There is a swarm of ladies here who will be more than happy to gain your favor."

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