Chapter 63

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For the first and only time, Matthew's self control snapped. All his life he'd never felt so confused about his own feelings, so torn between two impossible choices. And then Jacob just walked in and casually lectured him as if he knew better than him.

Jesus! Who does he think he is?! He just met Maggie briefly a couple of times, and he doesn't even know Bella. What makes him think he knows what's good for him? And to think that he has the right to tell Matthew what's right? He could use a mirror. He has no life but whoring and gambling away the fortune he'd inherited from his father, and now he thinks he knows better than him?! Well, Matthew might have inherited his fortune from Goddard but he'd worked and proved his loyalty to the man for a good ten years before he got his reward. He'd grown up through life without much help and even after his fateful encounter with Goddard, he'd started at the bottom, being a doorman and then a dealer's helper before he made it to the top. Even now, he works hard every day and night to run the club. He might be inexperienced in love and relationships but the last thing he needs is some life advice from a spoiled, self-indulgent aristocrat who's never known what it's like to have real responsibility.

As soon as Jacob left the room, he pushed away from his desk and headed to the mini bar. He'd never been so upset before. Part of him realized that he'd reacted grossly out of proportion to the situation, but he just couldn't force himself to behave civilly. That was when his frustration gave way to an explosive outburst of anger. He grabbed the crystal decanter sitting in the middle of the side table and threw it onto the wall. The expensive stuff smashed to smithereens, its red content staining the wallpapered wall. The loud smashing sound was still ringing in his ears a few seconds later, he barely noticed the sound of the door slamming open behind him.

Marguerite burst into the room and stopped short at the sight of the shattered glass and the spilled liquor on the wall and floor. From the mess on the floor, her eyes shifted to Matthew's rigid form near the side table. He stood staring at the result of his outburst, his body shaking with rage. Aware of another's presence, he turned his head in Marguerite's direction, and the mad, yet agonized look on his face made her heart wrench. At the moment, he looked as if he was capable of murder, but instead of being scared, she ran to him and reached out, taking him into her arms. He was hot and trembling, and she could feel the fast thud of his heartbeat as his chest pressed close against hers.

"It's alright, Matthew. Everything's going to be alright."
Whispering words of comfort, she began to stroke his back soothingly, and slowly, gradually she felt his body relaxed against hers.

Remaining still in her warm embrace, Matthew felt the tension in his muscles subside at Marguerite's touch. When he breathed in her familiar scent, it just struck him that she might be the one. A moment ago, he was in a frenzy of rage, but when Maggie hugged him, there was this utter peace that just swept over him and his anger died down almost instantly.

His hands came to wrap around her, and he whispered,
"Promise me you'll stay away from Jake and never let him come near you again."
Marguerite stilled in his arms as she failed to form a prompt reply. She'd just known Mannheim for a short time, but she experienced a pang of unknown emotions at the thought of cutting ties with him. That was ridiculous, though. They weren't even friends, and Mannheim wouldn't care the least bit about it. Most likely he'd already forgotten her by the end of the month.

Much to her surprise, the thought brought an odd, unexpected pang, but her musings could continue no further because Matthew pulled back a fraction and looked at her with a frown.
"Maggie, why don't you answer me?"

Marguerite convinced herself that was the case. Still her heart felt heavy as she forced herself to say,
"I promise."

"Good. Now are you hungry?"

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