Chapter 25

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The minute she swept inside the privacy of her suite, Marguerite shut the door and leaned her back against the stout wood. She breathed out deeply, but she couldn't seem to slow her racing heart. She'd never experienced anything like this in her entire life. Her eyes fluttered close and a smile creeping onto her face as she relished the prospect of staying close to him tonight. With a sigh she opened her eyes again, only to meet Goddard's savage scowl across the room. He'd just stepped out of his bedroom, still wearing his complete attire since he'd be joining the casino crowd later.

His presence immediately reminded Marguerite that she had to get his permission to take care of Matthew, and the expression Goddard wore told her, it wasn't going to be easy. But she had promised Matthew to stay near, and a promise was a promise. She shouldn't give up before trying. With the resolve, she looked up and met her father's eyes.
"Papa, tonight I need to stay downstairs to check Matthew every hour, in case he catches a fever."

Goddard's scowl deepened, but he seemed to have expected it.
"I'll have a maid take care of that boy so you don't have to bother looking after him."

"No, Papa! It's no bother at all! I'm happy to help."

"There's no need for you to tend to him yourself. Any servant can do the task."

"But, papa-"

Goddard cut her off impatiently.
"Marguerite! Remember what I told you about fraternizing with the likes of him?"

"The likes of him?" She stared at him in shocked indignation.

"For Christsakes, that boy is a guttersnipe!"

"And why does it matter, Papa?"

"Maggie, you don't understand. You don't know what men are like, especially a man like him."

"Is it his fault to be left alone and homeless out in the streets? Had you not come to save me and Mama from the filthy tenement, I'd have ended up just like him."

Goddard's harsh expression fled, replaced by something close to guilt and remorse.

"Please let me take care of him, Papa. I'm tired of sitting alone here all day everyday doing nothing that I don't know if I can ever be of use."
She paused, giving her father a chance to reply, and when he remained mute, she added,
"Please, Papa. I never asked you for anything."
At the moment, Marguerite was surprised at how much and how fiercely she wanted to keep him close to her that for the first time, she dared to defy Goddard.

Across the room, Goddard seemed to consider her request, his face taut and morose. After a stretch of maddening silence, he eventually said,
"Fine. I'll have a guard staying in front of his door. You'll stay in the next room with a maid. You can check on him every hour but you should go straightaway. No lingering over him afterwards."


When Matthew first woke up that morning, he was surprised to find himself lying not in a stinking alley. A moment later, he recalled what had happened yesterday, and he closed his eyes back for a second, then swept his gaze around the room.

Heavy velvet drapes hanging over the windows blocked the outside view but it appeared that morning had broken. He could hear the noise of the waking town outside, the distant hum of traffic, the rattle of wheels on the paved streets. He dropped his head back to the pillows, enjoying the luxury of not having to worry about what to eat for today. Just as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep again, the door opened with a soft click.

He turned toward the sound to see Marguerite stepping into the shadowy room, a tray of food occupied her hands. Soon the smell of freshly baked scone wafted up his nose, and his stomach gurgled in response.

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