Chapter 51

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Dear readers, sorry for the irregular update lately. Been juggling between raising children and writing, I hope you can understand. While the pandemic hasn't really gone, some part of the world are torn apart by war. I pray for peace and safety and comfort to my readers wherever you are, and I hope reading my stories can bring a little joy to your days. May God always keep us protected and safe from harm.


"Look how lovely you are!"

Viscountess Winthrop exclaimed once Arabella whirled around to show her new dress. The woman's gaze swept over her daughter's figure and her expression took on a rather regretful look.

"I used to dream that you, of all my daughters, would be the one to bear the heir to one of the oldest, richest titles in all England. Why, among your sisters, you are undoubtedly the fairest."

Arabella stood listening to her mother with a compressed mouth. She wasn't the least bit flattered by the remarks, knowing what would follow next.

"But now, since you're far past your prime, I suppose we'll just have to make do with what's left. I know Bentley is not the greatest catch of this season, or any other season, why, he has no money and no title, but at least your father will get another ally in the parliament and you will not end up like your Aunt Ginny."

Not end up like Aunt Ginny? What's wrong with being an independent woman? Living a life of freedom and adventure, instead of being a pawn of one's parents' ambitions, or being a chattel of a man she barely knew. She was tired of being told what to do, of not having a choice of her own, like just about now. This evening, her mother had made her wear an evening gown designed to reveal more than to conceal that she felt a desperate urge to cover her exposed bosom with her hands as she passed the butler and the footman on her way to the carriage. She knew full well the purpose of this conspicuous display of her feminine assets. To encourage Bentley to hasten marriage talks, or to attract another suitor in case the older gentleman changed his mind. Well, she must do something about that. She must stop Bentley before he brings up the topic of marriage. The older gentleman might be quite unbearable, but she wouldn't want to humiliate him by turning down his proposal. This evening, she must avoid being forced to dance with him in front of the peers. Dancing with the same partner in public for more than twice within a week was considered an unofficial announcement of courtship.

"Don't you dare leave my side, young lady."
Her mother warned her when they stepped into a crowded ballroom almost an hour later. Arabella made no reply as she secretly observed the room for an escape route. Waiting patiently for the right time to slip away, Arabella followed her mother as the woman flitted from one group of guests to another, until finally the opportunity presented itself.

An acquaintance hurried over to greet her mother, diverting the older woman's attention. When her mother spun around for a brief pleasantries, Arabella quickly sneaked under the refreshment table, catching her breath in anticipation as she waited for her mother to notice her disappearance. Not a minute later, her mother's panicked voice rang out,


Behind the fall of the snowy tablecloth, Arabella pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her helpless giggle. She heard the quick swish of gown as her mother spun to look around, followed by hurried footsteps that soon faded into the hum of conversation. Her temporary hideout offered no gap to peek out, so she waited until a few minutes had passed and she could no longer hear her mother's voice. When she was certain it was safe to come out, she emerged from the other side of the table, startling a servant who'd just stopped by to set another tray of savory treats. Hunching up her body to avoid being easily seen by her mother, she pushed through a melange of guests that packed the room. Just as she headed to the French door that led to the open garden, her mother's voice brought her up short.

Scoundrel With A Noble Heart (sequel of Disgraceful)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt