Chapter 77

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Hello! Sorry for the very late update! I'm working on the next chapter already. Please drop your comment and let me know what you think!

Marguerite's footsteps echoed along the corridor as she made a dash for Matthew's chamber. Just a moment ago, a servant rushed to her suite to deliver the news. Matthew had returned, and he'd collapsed the minute he appeared at the back door. She'd been worried sick when she heard that he fainted, but Mary had calmed her down, telling her that she needn't worry about Matthew's health and that he must be exhausted from the long journey.

When Marguerite entered his bedchamber, he'd been laid down on the edge of the massive bed, while two footmen worked efficiently to remove his sodden clothes. She hurried over to the end of the bed and helped take off his boots. In hardly any time at all, Matthew had been divested of all his clothing. When Marguerite dried his body with a clean towel, her eyes accidentally fell on the forbidden zone at the juncture of his legs. She'd seen him before but then she hadn't been aware that that particular part was so... intimidating. Almost terrifying. And she'd heard somewhere that it could still grow larger when...

"Pardon me, Miss Maggie." A maid emerged beside her with folded clothes in her hand. Blushing, Marguerite stepped aside and averted her eyes. The maid quickly dressed him in a suit of flannels.

"How is he?" Suddenly Wagner limped into the room.

"He's got a fever." The maid turned towards him with a worried expression on her face.

"Fetch the doctor immediately." Wagner instructed a footman nearby.

To their great relief, the doctor arrived within minutes. Marguerite and Wagner stood off to the side watching the doctor examine Matthew.

"I must say, this is quite surprising. Mr. Walsh has never fallen sick before. He always takes good care of himself." The doctor observed.
"Unfortunately this fever seems to be one of the worst, and he hasn't yet come into the worst of it. Somebody needs to stay by his side all the time, to make sure his fever is under control. Meanwhile, give him plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration. I highly recommend chicken broth and milk punch, to help restore his energy. If his fever worsens, call me immediately."

Wagner escorted the doctor out while
Marguerite settled herself on a chair near Matthew's bed.
"I'll stay with him. Hilda, can you please ask Cook to prepare the chicken broth and milk punch?"

"Right away, Miss."
Once the maid left, Marguerite's anxious gaze returned to Matthew, and her heart pinched. He seemed to lose weight during his trip, his prominent cheekbones stood out. Rough stubble dusted his strong jawline, and his hair was in disarray. He looked so thin and disarranged, and somehow vulnerable, it devastated her to see him this way. Without thinking, she reached out to stroke his dark hair, as she'd always longed to do. It felt like silk beneath her fingers, and she couldn't seem to stop herself from doing so. She'd missed him so bad, and though he'd done nothing but letting her down again and again, she couldn't seem to be angry with him for long. However, his sudden arrival today left her with so many questions.

Why'd he suddenly return home? What happened between him and the lady?
Or... did he come home just to tell her everything and leave her? But, why, somehow he looked unhappy... No. He looked miserable.

Those thoughts plagued Marguerite as she sat watching Matthew sleep for a long time. Like the doctor said, his fever had not reached the worst, and it progressed quite rapidly within the next few hours. He suffered bouts of chills and fevers that made him delirious. During the hours, not for a second did Marguerite leave his side. She changed the damp cloth on his forehead and prayed for him, applying honey to his chapped lips and spooning a few drops of broth every now and then. Some servants offered to relieve her, but she refused. She couldn't leave him at times like this. He needed her. She knew there was nothing she could do to make him better but she believed that he would want her to stay by his side.

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