Chapter 30 - The Vampire Hunter!

Start from the beginning

Mephiles: Wow, that guy sure is one ugly creature.

Sonic: And I bet it won't be easy to control. If any of us even manages to bond with him, we can consider ourselves lucky. Now then, we're gonna have to split up to explore this place.

Mephiles: How do we do that?

Sonic: The castle has three areas: the main area, the tower levels and the basements. One of the teams will be of two. Maya, Amber, you'll search the main area. If any enemy Titan appears, your Titans can move freely to fight back.

Amber: You got it.

Sonic: Mephiles, you're good with shadows and dark places. Search the basement, and be on the look out from anything that might be lurking out within that place.

Mephiles: You can count on me, Sonic.

Maya: That leaves the tower levels to you.

Sonic: Correct. This gives me space to invoke Titans like Ariel, Icarus and Solwing, which can fly around and move swiftly, in case of any airstrike suddenly drops on me.

Mephiles: The basement seems to be a place perfect for secret passages. There might be a hidden room there.

Sonic: That's why you're the one searching it. Mephiles, have you mastered the Farslip sell, yet?

Mephiles: I have.

Sonic: Good. This spell is like a lockpick. It should unlock any kind of secret door if you find the mechanism. Everyone, look into anything you can open in this place. We got a lot to search.

The three of them nodded. However, what they weren't aware off is that there was a Mindrone hidding in the towers, spying on them. And Major Black, who was inside one of the towers was watching Mindrone's vision from her Teknonomicon.

Acht: They're going to be vunerable like this.

Major Black: Excellent. Take half of the troops and deal with the girls in the main areas. The other half will go to the basements. I will take care of the blue guy personaly.

Acht: Major, that guy is to dangerous.

Major Black: Indeed. However... (brings out an amulet) I won't give him an opening.

Acht: Major, you're going to use that Titan?!

Major Black: Indeed. It was given personally to me by Lady Crimson herself. I refuse to let her down.

Acht looked at her boss. We move to the basement areas. Mephiles just entered the first room of the basement. He looked around for something, but there wasn't much. He then noticed the tapestry.

Mephiles: Hm... these things look old. What's this? (looks closely) They must be coming from some sort of dungeon. But... there's no way they could all fit in that small room!

Mephiles looked around, as he spoted the entrance that was in the tapestrly. However, he felt something was off. He jumped, avoiding a surprising Augerfrost. Mephiles looked as 5 suits were suddenly there to ambush him.

Male Suit 03: Huntik Foundation scum, surrender yourself!

Mephiles: Sorry, but I don't get ordered by idiots like you.

Female Suit 03: I'm gonna make you pay for earlier! Cut him down, Redcap!

Female Suit 03: I'm gonna make you pay for earlier! Cut him down, Redcap!

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