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chapter seventeen so stan seventeen aka my fav group after skz 

Park Chaeyoung

"Was the journey okay?" Mae asked as she opened the front door. It had been two months since I had been here, yet it felt like a year. 

"Huh?" I frowned. "Oh right, yeah it was fine."

"Mum will probably be upstairs," she said. "Hungry?"

"Yes," I replied. "I'm going to see Mum."

I quickly ran up the stairs and stared at Soo-ho's door. Apparently, he'd been worse the past two months. That was not comforting. I turned around and knocked on my mum's bedroom door. The door opened a few seconds later, and she smiled.

"Hello darling," she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled.

"Hi Mum," I said. 

"I'll be down in a second, and then you can tell me everything about college, and the new town," she said. I nodded and went back downstairs.

"So, tell me," Mae said, sitting down. "How is it?"

"It's...okay," I shrugged. "Classes are just normal, but I have a few friends and stuff." 

I hadn't told her about the rape incident. 

"Is that it?" she rolled her eyes. "Any boyfriends? Or...girlfriends."

"I'm straight," I said. "And no. Not really."


"I like this guy...like I really like this guy," I began. "You know Minho? He came round a few times for a school project. Anyway, and he likes me too...I think. But then he got annoyed cause I hung out with his best friend and he totally misunderstood the situation, he said he thought we 'had a thing' but now he isn't talking to me." 

Mae took a sip of coffee and thought for a few seconds. 

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"Well..I want to, but I don't have the words."

"If you don't have the words, just text him," she said. "You can tell him that if he doesn't feel the same way, to stop messing you around. If he does feel the same way, then you'll know what to say."


I had decided to take a walk around town for fun on Monday, my last day, but I really wish I hadn't. I decided to go into a clothes shop. I picked up a black lacy bra and panties (sorry i hate that word but i wasn't gonna say knickers) set,  along with some oversized t-shirts and pyjamas. I payed for it and walked out of the door, when someone spoke to me.

"Look who it is," I turned around. "Certified slut."

"Iseul? I thought you were moving to America?"

"We are, obviously," she spat. "Leaving next week. I thought you'd be tangled up in Minho's sheets."

Damn. I wish.

Wait no.

"I..." I frowned. "We aren't together." 

"So why's he ignoring my texts?"

"Why would I know?" I scoffed. "I'm not his friend, girlfriend or anything."

"So he left me for another slut, that isn't you," she murmured. "You must feel betrayed."

"That's none of your business."

"Oh please," she said. "At least I don't use men for sex, unlike what you tried to do with Minho."

"I...what?" she wasn't even making sense. "Are you drunk?"

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