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Park Chaeyoung.

I had never felt more grateful for my friends. They were amazing and they deserved everything and more.

Since that night, I had been...different. Usually, I didn't mind when Hyunjin would put his arm around me, or when Hye-ryeoung would grab my hand, but things changed.

Hyunjin had seen me the day after the incident, and he had come to put his arm around me, but what had I done? I had backed away. 

When I had realised what I had done, I was about to apologise, when he smiled.

"It's okay," he said. "When you're ready."

Hye-ryeoung had of course, despite my reassurance, blamed herself. As soon as I had walked into the dorm, she had burst into tears, and apologised over and over again. It took a while to calm her down, but I don't think she'd  forgiven herself yet.

And last of all, I hardly showed emotion. Me and Hyunjin had always had a good laugh with each other. Not that month. That month I changed. For the worse. 

We had found the man who did it - when I say we, I mean Hye-ryeoung - and she had called the police. They had taken multiple girls who had also been raped by him into questioning, and now we were just waiting for him to be proven guilty, which he was.

Classes had started up, but I couldn't enjoy it, or even concentrate. The others had been patient with me though. They hadn't flipped at me because I was boring, they hadn't pressured me, they were patient, and I was grateful for that. 

Anyway, Hyunjin had texted me to say that it had been enough time, and to use the pregnancy test. I hadn't felt different, so it was unlikely that I was pregnant, but I had to check. My period also hadn't come, which worried me slightly. 

I took a disposable cup and did my business in it, then put the pregnancy test inside it. Now I wait. 

I sat on the floor and waited for a couple of minutes, then I took it out. 


I give a huge sigh of relief and closed my eyes, leaning against the wall. I still didn't fully believe it until my period had showed up the next morning though.  


"Hey," I said, creeping up behind Hyunjin, who had his face buried in a romance book. Cute.

"Oh, hey," he put the book to the side and smiled. "Did you take the test?"

"It was negative," I said, He gave a small sigh.

"That's good," he said, then picked up more books, stacking them in a pile.

"Have you done the homework?" I asked, following him as he moved to the next shelf.

"Nearly, have you?" 

"Yeah, it was pointless though," I scoffed. "Why do I need to learn about all the stuff I did back in high school? Like three years ago?"

"Maybe to remind us...about how sex works...to use protection..." he trailed off. 

We went quiet for a few seconds, until we made eye contact, and we burst out laughing.

"As if half of our year even needs reminding of that," I scoffed.

"Especially Minho," we started giggling like five year olds again. 

"He used to hookup like...every week," Hyunjin wheezed. I laughed again. "With 5 centimetres."

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