♦︎ 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲

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Dawn and Billy attached to each other quickly, even more than before. Dawn snuck him into her room last night. They were back to being themselves but in a romantic way. Now in a relationship.
"Did you have a nightmare at school?" Billy asked Dawn about her waking up in the middle of class yesterday. They were relaxing on her bed, after they made out for awhile. Dawn didn't want to rush into sex, again...probably because of the unfortunate conditions they were once in. Billy held Dawn on his lap, while her head was on his shoulder. One of his arms held her legs, while the other wrapped around her back for support. She brought her head up, and connected her gaze with his.
"Yeah, I did." Dawn sighed, not wanting to relive the emotions that came from it.
"Do you want to talk about it? You looked sad once you saw me." Billy asked.
"Yeah, because it was about you.. Sort of." Dawn sighed and leaned back on his shoulder. She laid her right arm over his other shoulder, to get closer to him.
"Sort of?" He questioned.
"I thought I saw you, late at night while I was riding my bike, but it wasn't you. For a moment the person looked like you, but you were turned around. I saw your jacket and curls, so I knew it was you. But when I turned the person around, it was Neil." Dawn explained. Billy replied with an 'oh' in a confused way but he listened to her.
"I know why I had the dream, because I thought about Neil when I saw the state your face was in." Dawn said with sadness as she stared into Billy's guilty eyes. He exhaled and leaned his head against her headboard.
"I'm sorry." Dawn whispered and kissed Billy's jawline. This relaxed him a bit. He didn't want to think about the negative parts of his life while he had the most positive one currently sitting on his lap.
"Don't be sorry baby." He told her as he gently grabbed her chin to stop kissing his neck and look at him. They peered into each other's lustful eyes for a moment. Then, Dawn examined his beautiful features. They soon indulged in more needy kisses.

A week later

The new couple was inseparable. They loved their new relationship. They never went anywhere apart besides home. And most of the time, they'd sneak each into their rooms, even then.

Dawn thought about sex all the time. We all knew Billy did as well. She was still scared and hated herself for it. It's literally only because of the whole issue from losing her virginity. If that didn't happen, she wouldn't be scared. But maybe she wouldn't be here at all. If it didn't happen, her and Eddie would still be a possibility. Billy might have never exposed the truth about his crush either. Who knows where they'd be now. Dawn began thinking about sex, right now in this moment. They just got to Dawn's home after school and her parents were still working. They had hours of free time. Billy and Dawn were eager to have each other. Billy started kissing Dawn's neck as soon as they pulled their jackets and bags off downstairs. Dawn quickly jumped up onto Billy. He held her and carried her upstairs. Their faces were still connected. Dawn's hands were interlaced through Billy's hair. His hands ran up and down her back and thighs. Dawn wanted to give in, fuck her anxiety and stupid worried feelings. Billy set Dawn down on her bed and stepped back away from her. They both needed to catch their breathes. Their lustful eyes and sexy smirks gazed in between each other.
"Want to remake your first time?" Billy asked her with curious eyes.
"We can't just re-do it." Dawn giggled.
"But we can act like it's your first." He stated as he climbed over her body. Dawn thought about it and shrugged. Yup, she gave in... Completely. They started to kiss again, she pulled Billy closer to her, in need of him.

It was amazing. Dawn wanted to forget about the party and just these moments here. She's trying to move on from the past. She'll keep the most important, positive moments close to her but forget the regretful dumb memories too. Billy and Dawn laid next to each other after their 'first time'. Billy's thumb gently brushed Dawn's cheek. She felt extremely comfortable and full of happiness. Billy hasn't felt this much in so long. He enjoyed being with Dawn and never wanted to leave her side. She was beautiful and everything to him.
"I think... I'm in love with you." Billy whispered. Dawn's face glittered with a smirk. It slightly fell as she stared into his eyes. Her hands touched his cheek and she ran her thumb over his lips.
"I'm in love with you Billy... I am too." Dawn responded as a smile grew back onto their faces. They held each other closer, to end the night. They were in bliss. Their future will continue, and they will still be best friends, in love.

ending suck, but hey (●’◡’●)ノ


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