♦︎ 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭. 𝟗𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♦︎ 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 ♦︎

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It took Dawn a lot of strength to get up this morning and make her way to school. She still felt violated and disguisted from the effects of last night. Billy made her feel better but only for a period of time. After he left her home she felt lonely and sad again. She would rather stay up with him all night, just talking, then go to sleep. That's all she wanted to do so her mind wouldn't wonder of to someplace she didn't want to go. But Billy had to leave and she wasn't about to beg him to stay. On a positive note, she slept like a baby the whole night and never moved a muscle. The weather, on the bike ride to school, got colder each day. She might have to take the bus, just in despite of the temperature. Dawn continued to peddle away but she heard honking beside her. The unplanned sound scared her making her gasp. The car got so close to her bike she jolted herself far from the vehicle. To her surprise, it's Charlie.
"Hey! Get in, it's cold." Charlie yelled at Dawn, but she just ignored him. She carried on with her peddling, trying to go faster. Charlie moves his car close to her bike and even scootches his way in front of her. This action makes her have to brake fast. Madly, she gets off of her bike and yells at Charlie.
"Leave me alone!" She shouts at him and approaches him, keeping her distance.
"I was just trying to help." Charlie defends himself making Dawn scoff.
"Oh sure and so am I." She replies and turns back to her bike. She picks it up and starts walking with it.
"What the fuck is your problem?" He asks her.
"My problem? You are the problem!" She shouts at him and tries to get on her bike but he stops her.
"Don't touch me!" She yells and shoves his hand off of her shoulder.
"Is this about last night? I thought you wanted some fun." Charlie says. Dawn is getting a mixture of emotions, mad and sad.
"Right, cause I was giving that vibe. How about no means no." She tells him and he shakes his head.
"You know you wanted to, you're just being a bitch!" Charlie shouts in her face which makes her fully upset. All she wants to do is peddle away but he won't let her. He grabs her waist to make her stop.
"Get off of me!" She yells but he doesn't quit. He's attempting to get her off of the bike, making her fall down in the process. Quickly, she stands up and walks away from him. He pulls her back by wrapping his arms around her figure. If he didn't already ruin everything yesterday, he now thinks he can touch her again. Dawn breaks down from his touch on hers. He tries to comfort her but she panics and kicks him in the balls. He pulls her jacket off as she tries her best to run away from him. He couldn't go after her not with him in pain. She rushes away and runs as fast as she can. It take her a few minutes but she finally makes if to school. Dawns not thinking to hard but her first instinct is to search for Billy. She's full of tears and doesn't care what people see. She's sick of the agonizing feeling stuck inside of her. Crying is only making it worse. She turns many corners and still can't find Billy. Many eyes are on her, confused and worried for her. But of course, there's people who could care less about someone they don't know. What Dawn doesn't know is that Billy saw her but she didn't notice him. As soon as he saw her upset expression and panic state, he knew something was wrong. Dawn stops at the end of a dead end hallway and sighs out. Suddenly, she feels a hand on her arm, making her gasp softly and turn to face them. Thankfully, it's Billy, he caught up to her.
"You're freezing, what's wrong?" Billy asks but Dawn ignores his question. She was just glad to see him.
"Billy." She says and quickly goes into his embrace, hugging him tightly. He hugs her back in confusion. Students near them are staring making Billy annoyed. They'll only assume the worse, he thought. He guides her into an empty classroom for them to talk.
"Are you okay?" Billy asks and she shakes her head as tears fall down her face again.
"Is it about last night?" He asks her another question. She shrugs, trying to contain herself enough to talk properly. Dawn takes a deep breath in and out so she can explain herself.
"Charlie, he uh, found me on my way here. He tried to mess with me again so I ran off. I left my bike and he pulled my jacket off." Dawn answered and sighed again.
"Where is he?" Billy asks and rushes to the door but dawn stops him.
"No, don't. I kicked him in the balls and ran off. I don't know if he'll be back." She said and leaned on the wall beside her.
"Good for you, defending yourself." Billy said.
"I'm sick of feeling like a useless girl." She replies and gets angry. "He shouldn't think he can just mess with girls like that." She adds on.
"What are you going to do?" He asks her.
"I don't know but I'm pissed now. I'm not going to let him mess with me anymore." She responded.
"I'll help you, it'll be okay." He replied and she nodded.
"Thank you again." Dawn smiled at him and he mirrored her actions.
"Let's finish this project." Billy said and they went to science together. Dawn felt better once again. Not just because of Billy but because she's sick of some stupid guy making her feel like shit. She realized she can protect herself and just needs to step up next time. Realism over sadness.

Billy made it certain that he would take her home and pick her up every day before and after school. They couldn't find her bike on the way to her house so she was okay with it. This way she didn't have freeze her ass off or ride the bus. She could feel safe and warm at the same time, everyday. She thanked Billy more times than she ever thought she would. Dawn even met Max, Billy's step sister. She seems cool but pretty quiet.


Best Friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें