♦︎ 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♦︎ 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞♦︎

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Dawn wanted Billy to hangout for the night. So after they dropped of Max at his home, he drove them to Dawn's house. Maybe find a movie or even go out somewhere later. But sadly, they got interrupted by Mary, Dawn's mother.
"Why don't you two join us for dinner, instead of running of to your room." Mary demanded. What a typical mom thing to say. Dawn exhaled as they followed her into the kitchen.
"Here ma'am." Billy politely said as he took some plates out of her hands. Dawn was already upset with her mother. Billy is being so nice to her and she doesn't even care. She didn't say thank you or anything. She knows they're judging him from his father. If they could just get through this dinner. They all sat around the table and started to put some food on their plates. Billy hesitated so Dawn helped him. They dug into their dinners and kept quiet for a moment.
"So Dawn, I see you have a B in math." Thomas spoke up. Dawn nodded.
"Yes I do." She replied. She knew what was coming.
"And whys that?" He asked her.
"I missed a couple of answers on the last test, so it dropped my grade a bit." Dawn responded. She didn't feel like lying, now wasn't the time. Not when he knew.
"A students get into college." Thomas said. Dawn rolled her eyes and stopped eating.
"That's right dear." Mary added on.
"You do realize that I always have straight A's. Cut me some slack this one time." Dawn harshly said.
"And why's that huh, ever since this boy got into your life, you've changed." Dawn's father responded. Of course, blame the boy. Maybe she's just growing up and changing within herself?
"You leave him out of this. Maybe I just don't want to be perfect like you two, like the way you force me to be!" Dawn shouted and tossed her fork down hard onto her plate. She quickly stood up, sliding her chair back and grabbed Billy with her. She ran up the stairs with Billy, to her room. She slammed her door and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry." Dawn spoke up and turned to Billy.
"Don't be... I think I understand you a bit better now." He replied with a smile. Dawn was glad this didn't effect Billy. He shouldn't care what they think at all.
"Oh yeah?" Dawn slightly chuckled.
"Yeah, your parents put pressure on you to get good grades and be a certain way. So now, when you're becoming yourself, they get mad because they don't realize they forced you to be what they wanted." Billy said. Dawn gazed at him with awe as he spoke. He completely understood. She didn't even realize the whole truth until he told her right now. She stopped staring and shook her head yes.
"Wow, yeah...pretty spot on." She replied and laid on her bed. She softly smacked the area beside her, signaling for Billy to sit next to her.
"You wanna watch a movie or go somewhere?" Dawn asked as he sat down.
"Let's just relax and watch something." He replied, so she turned on her tv and found a perfect movie for them. After some time Dawn couldn't find a way to get comfortable. She wanted to lay down but still watch the screen. Billy noticed this.
"You can lay on me...if you want." Billy suggested.
"You sure?" Dawn asked permission and Billy nodded in response. He moved himself down a bit, with his legs laid out and his head on pillows, enough to prop him up a bit. Dawn gently laid her head on his chest. She kept her hands to herself, scared to touch him in any indifferent way. They were both oddly comfortable. Dawn even began to get tired. The heat and comfort from Billy's presence wasn't helping.

Dawn indeed fell asleep on Billy's chest. The whole movie was over and Billy decided it was time to go. He didn't even realize she was asleep, who knows how long she's been out. He tenderly moved Dawn over, on her own side of the bed. She seemed exhausted because she didn't move a muscle when he got up. He admired her for a moment. She appeared very beautiful, even in her most calm state. Billy forced himself to leave her even though he would've loved to stay. He didn't need his dad going insane on him. Billy made his way down stairs and saw Thomas sitting in his recliner, watching TV. He walked over beside his chair.
"For your information, a B is nothing. Dawn is the smartest person I know, not just in our grade, in the whole school." Billy said and quickly left. Thomas was confused but his words did make him happy.


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