♦︎ 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝐬𝐭-𝟑𝐫𝐝 ♦︎

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Dawn hide herself in her room all day Sunday. She lied to her parents and told them she was sick. They were worried once they saw her come home... But once again, she collected her lies on her walk home and told them that she stayed with a friend and they let her borrow clothes. Her parents gave up caring. Ever since their daughter changed, they realized they couldn't do anything. It was good for them to get off of her back. Dawn bundled herself up in her bed and slept most of the day. She wished she could remember one thing. So, she dreaded the rest of the day and let the hangover slowly leave her body.

1st Monday

Dawn's mom made her go to school. Mary knew better, she knew her daughter wasn't sick. She let her go out and be in her room all day Sunday so she forced her to go to school the next day. Dawn half assed her style this morning. She really didn't give a fuck. She was still going through a mental loop constantly in her mind. Most people noticed her messy, still curly hair from the party, that she wrapped up into a ponytail. They saw her tired eyes and looked the other way. It was easy to notice when she used to style herself head to toe. Today, Dawn wore leggings, a grey pullover and her jean jacket over it. She threw on converse and that was it. No makeup, no jewelry. She figured she should look how she feels today, plus she had no energy either.

Dawn noticed Billy during lunch. She seriously didn't want to reunite with him so she continued to ignore his glances. Thankfully, she saw Eddie sitting at his table. She had to ask him if he remembers anything. He can help figure out what happened. She planned on ditching food anyways. She quickly went up to his table and pulled him with her. She didn't want to make a scene or ask questions around his friends, so she stole him away. She stopped at the corner of the cafeteria, away from people.
"Eddie, do you remember anything from the party?" She rushed her questions. He scoffed and shook his head. She gave him a confused look and tried to make him look at her once again.
"Seriously?" He asked her. She threw her hands up in confusion.
"Look, if you wanted Billy you could've just told me. Not shown me." Eddie harshly told her. She felt completely defeated. What did he see?
"Eddie please, I..." Dawn tried to defend herself but he interrupted her.
"I have no time for your excuses." He held his hand up and then left her there. Dawn's feeling came up to the surface. She felt awful. She only assumed the worst once again.

Billy watched the small interaction between Dawn and Eddie, from afar. He witnessed Dawn become sad and run off afterwards. He knew what happened at the party and that became more clearer each day. For some reason, he could still not figure out why, but they were attached to each other. They didn't care about anyone or anything. They kissed and held onto one another, in front of everyone. Billy remembers the buzz feeling, as if he was drunk or high. That had to be the only reseaonable explanation. They were just both completely fucked up. So much, that they fucked... I don't know, it just sounds off. Billy continued to dread being parted from Dawn. He missed her laugh, jokes and happy smile. But lately she was everything but optimistic. And he saw that, from afar.... Because that's all he could do.

2nd Tuesday

Whispers and pointed fingers summed up today. People witnessed Billy and Dawn's Halloween experience. Of course, people wanted to talk and laugh about it. So Dawn left school early. She didn't care anymore, she just needed to get away. She needed to clear her mind and figure this shit out. She'll just lie to her parents, again...

After Dawn took a much needed nap, she went through every memory she possibly could, in her head. She knit picked from the moment they arrived at the party to the next morning. She remembers dressing up, Eddie taking her, her drinking before Billy noticed her, then they stayed together and started to dance and drink, and that was it. That's all she could remember. Billy was her last recollection. She sat at the foot of her bed and wrote out everything. She felt like she was going insane but she needed to figure it out. She's only been drunk once before but she remembered the things that happened the next day. Maybe Billy could help. Maybe she just needs to talk to him, he reminded her last time. She had to push every little bone in her body to call Billy's house. She hoped Neil wasn't home and that Billy would in fact answer her. Thank god her parents had plans tonight, so they won't bother her. But they will indeed bother her tomorrow.
"Billy here." Billy muttered through the phone. Even though Dawn felt scared as fuck to talk to him, she was relieved that he answered.
"Hi, it's Dawn. Can we talk?" She asked him.
"I'm coming over." Billy responded and quickly hung up. Dawn sighed out. She did not want him to come over so she immediately felt anxious. Having to confront him again would eat her up. She almost felt nauseous because of it. She sat back down and decided to play some music to drown out her thoughts. Once she heard a knock minutes later, that anxiety came back. She hurried down stairs and opened the door for Billy. He looked apologetic and guilty. She dismissed his expression and rushed up the stairs with him close behind her. He tried to talk and apologize but she didn't want to hear it. It wasn't really his fault, she just was embarrassed. Purely, innocently embarrassed.
"Look, I need you to help me figure this out. So, I remember obviously everything while I was sober. I remember showing up with Eddie. Drinking a few drinks, and then you and I started to hang out together." Dawn went on showing him her notes that she wrote down. Billy gave her a confused gaze as he watched her. He thought she wanted to really talk but she wanted to try to figure out what they already know.
"Wait, wait... Dawn." Billy stopped her from pacing back and forth. She gazed up at him.
"We know what happened. We were drunk." He stated. She shook her head in response.
"No, no... How could we be. I only had a few drinks, I actually didn't even drink that much." Dawn defended her case.
"I remember feeling that dazzy drunk feeling." Billy admitted.
"What else do you remember then? I need to know what you know." She told him. Billy decided to tell the truth. What's the point in lying now?
"Dawn... I remember everything." He whispered and sat on her bed. She put her hand on her hip and glanced down at Billy. She stayed standing.
"What?" She asked.
"I remember everything. We must've gotten drunk. I don't remember why we were but we were all over each other. We were making out in front of everyone. Then, we... We fucked. I just don't remember how we got back to my house. I must've drove, since my car was there." Billy spilled out slowly. She listened to all the words. He knew and he didn't say anything... She stared off into space and thought.
"But I wasn't drunk. I only had maybe three drinks. Eddie gave me one then when I went with you, that guy... He gave us..." Dawn started to go on but she paused when a thought came into her mind. Billy stood up and questioned her thinking.
"That guy, what about him?" He asked.
"Who was he? He gave us drinks.. We didn't see him pour them, he just had them." Dawn stated. Billy looked at her confused. She was onto something, that would explain their odd behavior.
"We have to ask around, maybe Eddie can help." Dawn insisted but Billy grabbed her arm before she could go anywhere.
"I thought you guys got into a fight?" He asked her.
"Only because he saw us making out. He thinks I wanted you but since we proved that we were fucked up by something that guy gave us, he'll understand. Let's go." She admitted and ran down stairs. Billy went along with her, there was nothing he could do. She obviously didn't care about the fact that they were intimate. Despite the reasoning, Billy still cared about Dawn. He wanted Dawn. She clearly didn't.

Billy drove them to Eddie's trailer. Dawn was quick on her feet and wanted to search for answers. Thankfully Eddie was home, she urgently knocked at his door.
"Not you both." Eddie groaned as he opened the door to reveal Billy and Dawn.
"Eddie please, we need to talk." Dawn insisted. Eddie sighed and allowed them to come inside.
"We need to know what you saw at the party...I think we were drugged." Dawn stated. Eddie gazed between them in confusion.
"Since we don't know why we acted the way we did, and she only had a few drinks... She thinks we were drugged." Billy helped explain.
"You don't think so?" She questioned him. Billy shrugged in response.
"Why does nobody believe me?" She questioned as she threw her hands up in the air.
"You could be right. Who do you think drugged you? Maybe I can try to find out who it was." Eddie gave in.
"It was just some guy we've never seen before." Dawn sighed, unable to remember much of his features.
"I think he was pretty short, with buzzed hair... He wasn't even wearing a costume." Billy added on.
"I'll ask around and see what I can do." Eddie exhaled.
"Thank you Eddie, really." Dawn hugged Eddie, whether he wanted to or not. She hated that this crazy circumstance made Eddie run away from her. At least they weren't dating, she would've cheated and lived with that forever.

3rd Wednesday

Billy took Dawn home last night and that was that. She didn't want to try and regain their friendship for now. She still needed more time. Billy just couldn't understand why she wouldn't except the fact that they did have sex. It's like she was trying to forget it all. Billy constantly replayed the scenes in his head. It felt so passionate, he couldn't believe if they were really drugged. Dawn acted like she really wanted Billy. She even pleaded to go to his house. He did remember that. Billy is sort of glad that it happened but upset how Dawn's reacting.

Mary was sure to give Dawn a hard time as soon as she got back home.
"Why did you leave school?" Mary questioned her daughter. Dawn had just got home. All she wanted to do was go to her room and sleep away her worries. Dawn rolled her eyes and took her jacket off. She noticed her dad was standing in the kitchen, waiting for her response as well.
"I told you, I felt sick." She answered and started walking away from the front door.
"I don't believe you. You've been out of this house. If you were sick you'd be up in the room, all day long." Mary stated with her hands on her hip.
"I just wanted to get some fresh air. I'll go to school tomorrow. Goodnight." Dawn finished and went upstairs. Her mother gave up, she couldn't do anything. Dawn obviously didn't want to fight. She already had enough in the past. She just continued to lie because that's what she needed to do, for now.

Eddie ended up finding out the truth from a few friends. People at the party agreed with the drug allegations. They started to explain how some weird random guy, that they've never seen before, were offering people already made drinks. Dawn and Billy were victims to it because they weren't thinking, and were occupied with them selves. He explained everything to Dawn and she felt so relieved. She was glad there was clarification to her crazy actions. She didn't feel so awful, despite the actual problem at hand. She had lost her virginity, to her best friend. And still, she can't even remember a goddamn thing that during it. Dawn gladly told Billy the great news. Sure, it wasn't exactly good to hear that you were drugged. But, Dawn was so happy because she solved the mystery,which made Billy happy. Sadly, Dawn went back to her lonely nature and stayed a distance away from Billy. She was still battling her memories.

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