♦︎ 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭. 𝟏𝟗𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐒𝐚𝐭. 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ♦︎ 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧'𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 ♦︎

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Dawn woke up in her own bed. She gazed around, trying to remember anything she could. A couple things came to mind like, Steve, Billy and his girl, dancing, oh and smoking. Shit, she thought. She rubbed her face and groaned out. Her head was pounding and she felt sick. She grabbed her phone on her side table and dialed the ten digit number.
"Hargrove residence." A man spoke.
"Is Billy there?" Dawn asked. Her voice was scratchy and sounded tired. She heard the man yell for Billy and said one of his sluts was calling him. She scoffed at his words.
"Yeah." Billy answered.
"It's Dawn and I'm dying." She groans and tosses her head back in her bed.
"Yeah, first hangovers suck." Billy chuckled making Dawn whine. Billy has had his fair share of hangovers. He found a way to easily recover after time.
"I can't remember everything but little parts of last night." Dawn said.
"I mean I can try to help you remember, if you want." Billy suggested.
"You wanna hang out and we can talk? I really wanna get away so my parents don't ask me questions and see me fucked up right now." Dawn replied and Billy snickered.
"Totally, I'll pick you up soon. Later Berk." Billy responded and hung up. Dawn exhaled and stretched deep in her bed. She pushed herself to get up and got ready. Her head pounded and she felt so tired. She just knew that her parents would catch her if she was around them too much. She wanted to dodge them long enough until she could get over this.

Billy was glad he got a chance to leave his house. He was tired from last night but didn't want his dad catching him doing nothing all day. He grabbed some meds for Dawn as well and drove to her house. He wasn't sure where they'd go but he just wanted to get away, just like she did.
"Thank god, I completely missed my parents." Dawn said as she entered Billy's car. Billy noticed her black makeup was still smudged around her eyes. Even with that, you can still tell that she's tired. Dawn wore a black hoodie and a pink skirt. Even with her hangover, she still put her fling to her outfit.
"You worried about them?" Billy asked her.
"Uh duh. Sure I can lie to my parents but only when they would never know the truth. If they saw me, they'd immediately know what's wrong." Dawn replied as Billy drove away from her house.
"That makes since. They should understand that you're a teenager though." He responded.
"Yeah well they never will. They're too strict and I'm too much of a good kid." Dawn rolled her eyes as she said. It was all true and she hated it. Sometimes she felt sick of being the innocent good girl.
"Oh here's some meds." Billy said and took the bottle out of his pocket and tossed them into her lap.
"Thanks! So...what all happened yesterday?" Dawn asked him and took some pills.
"Well, what do you remember first?" Billy responded.
"I remember... Walking in on you and a girl..." Dawn laughed. "... Dancing forever and smoking with Eddie Munson." Dawn finished and giggled a bit.
"You also made out with Munson." Billy brought up making Dawn shocked. Her mouth dropped and she looked at him with confusion.
"I made out with the drug dealer?" She asked him and he nodded.
"You did and got high with him." Billy added on. Dawn thought for a moment. She started to remember more.
"Oh gosh. I remember we were outside, on the lawn chairs. I was drunk and he was... flirting with me. I told him how I've been marking stuff off of my bucket list." She responded. Billy looked at her confused for a moment. She was too stuck on remembering that she didn't question him noticing them.
"Bucket list?" Billy asked.
"Yeah, well it's more of a hypothetical list but in general a bucket list. It's a list that contains all the things I need to do in life, well want to do. Last night I marked a lot off of it. Party, drinking, drunk, smoking and making out with Eddie. I guess I can mark off walking in on people fucking and now being hangover." Dawn giggled as she counted out her fingers. Billy nodded and chuckled some.
"Wow. Big night for you." He replied.
"Yeah, do you remember everything?" Dawn asked him as she leaned her head onto the head rest. She crossed her arms and sighed.
"Everytime I either remember everything or nothing. Last night was everything." He answered her. Then, he parked in front of lovers lake.
"I figured we can just relax and chat for a while." Billy said and Dawn nodded.
"Sounds good to me." She replied. They sat in silence for awhile. It was comfortable and nice.
"You know you're like my best friend, right?" Billy spoke up. Dawn connected eyes with him and smiled.
"Yeah, I know. I think we make pretty good best friends." She responded. It was a surprise to them both... A good surprise.


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