♦︎ 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭. 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♦︎

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Dawn was bored with studying and had finished all of her homework already, and it was only six o'clock. She decided to call Billy and see what he was up to. Dawn entered their house number and waited for the phone to be answered.
"This is Max." Max spoke up.
"Hey Max, it's Dawn. Is Billy there?" Dawn asked her.
"One sec." Max replied. Dawn heard miffed voices through the phone.
"Berkeley." Billy said.
"Hargrove, you busy today?" Dawn asked him.
"Absolutely not, why?" He asked her.
"You wanna do something?" Dawn suggested.
"Thought you'd never ask Berk." Billy flirtatiously responded. Dawn rolled her eyes and slightly chuckled. "I'll be there in 15." Billy added on and hung up. Dawn seriously didn't care where they'd go, she just wanted to be out of the house. Billy was glad she called him.

Billy picked up Dawn from her house. They both decided to find a movie to watch together. Because of that decision, they arrived at family video. This is one of Dawn's favorite spots. Robin went to the same school as them, she works at family video. Dawn liked her and Billy never noticed her. Sure Dawn didn't know much about her, mostly because she never saw her or has any classes with her. But they still talked nice to each other and exchanged smiles. Dawn gladly rummaged through the romance for a moment and realized Billy wouldn't accept that genre. So she shifted to the comedy section. Billy was slowly admiring the horror movies. Something caught his eye making him glimpse up. He noticed Charlie pacing out front. Billy saw him through the two main doors. He wasn't sure what the hell he was doing but Billy knew he couldn't let Charlie interact with Dawn. Billy glanced at Dawn, who still had her eyes stuck on the many movies before her. So he decided to take this upon himself, hoping she wouldn't notice. Robin watched as Billy marched out front, but he didn't care. Charlie looked anxious, like he was talking himself up to doing something. Billy shoved Charlie back, for him to notice him. He became bewildered, confused as why Billy was messing with him.
"What the hell?" Charlie asked as Billy pushed his body up slighty and into the wall. He hands tightened around his shoulders, keeping him back and in place.
"What are you doing?" Billy harshly asked.
"I'm trying to talk to Dawn." Charlie answered.
"Nope. You're not going to talk to her. And you're definitely not going to look or simply think about her. Leave her alone or I'll end you." Billy replied and let his body fall to the ground. He left him there and went back inside. Dawn was still in the same section. It's as if nothing had happened. Billy felt like Robin was nosey. She watched him the whole time and curiously gazed him down. He rolled his eyes and approached Dawn.
"Find anything?" He asked her. She did find some comedy movies. So they rented them and brought them back to Dawn's house. Her parents had a dinner with their friends. Dawn was so glad that they were gone. Their little dinners typically last all night. So a movie night with a friend is the perfect way to enjoy the peaceful night.


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