♦︎ 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝐧𝐝 ♦︎ 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 ♦︎

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Dawn reflected on the day as she went home. Her reliable source of transportation is her bike. She enjoys feeling the wind hit her face and flow through her hair as she rides. The weather was nice as well, just a little chill, not too cold. Dawn lives in a pretty average style house. Her parents are good normal people, Thomas and Mary. They're all just living a typical life. Her mother is a stay at home mom, like tradition, due to her taking care of her young sister Mabel. She'll final get to start school next year. Dawn entered her home and was overthrown with the scent of honey.
"Hi sweetheart! Dinner is almost done!" Her mother yells from the kitchen as Dawn takes her bag and shoes off.
"Okay mom, I'll be over there in a minute!" Dawn shouted back and rushed upstairs to her room.

Billy was so glad to be done with school for today. He wasn't too happy about waiting on his step sister. The ride home, in his Camarao, was loud and fast. He was trying to get home before his dad would, which he did. He decided to continue the music and blow off some steam by weightlifting.

Dawn made her way down stairs and hugged her mother hello. She helped set the table. Dinner consisted of honey ham, peas and mashed potatoes. Dawn, being extremely hungry, felt more than ready for dinner. Everything was completely perfect, the three girls were about to sit down as the door opened up.
"Oh just in time honey! Dinners done." Mary told Thomas.
"Perfect, I'm starving." Thomas chuckled, put his briefcase down and sat in his seat. Her parents always sit at the ends of the table while her and her sister face each other, on the sides, in the middle. Dawn and her mother already had the food served onto all of the plates infront of everyone.
"Looks amazing dear." Thomas told Mary. Indeed it was.
"So Dawn, how's school?" Her father asks his frequent question.
"Just fine. Currently doing a paired project in science." Dawn told Thomas, with a smile on her face.
"Oh how fun, who are you paired with?" Dawns mother asked her.
"Billy hargrove." She answered as she ate some of her food.
"Hargrove, like Neil hargrove?" Her father asked her but she just shrugged.
"That boys no good." Mary interjected.
"His father is a terrible man. He yelled and threatened everyone at the bank the other day. I hope he's not like his father." Dawns dad said. She felt concerned by her family's remarks about Billy. She actually really enjoyed his company. Sure they were an odd pairing for friends but they worked well together.
"Billy's nice to me. He's actually working on the assignment with me unlike other people in the past." Dawn responded.
"Just be careful with that boy." Her father and replied and she nodded. Dawn put on a fake smile the rest of the night. She wasn't too happy about her parents being worried about Billy. She wasn't worried about him.

Billy dreaded time as it went by. His dad would be home soon. He begged for his dad to end up going to the bar after work or literally anywhere else. But that wasn't the case. His dad came home and he wasn't in the best mood either. Because of his dad treating him the way that he does, Billy started to miss school. Of course, he appreciated the constant girls fantasizing about him. And many people and friends raving about him. But now he missed his true friendship. The one that didn't feel fake and for popularity. He missed Dawn, even though in his mind it felt wrong to only be friends with a girl. He actually enjoyed her company and the laughs they have together. She doesn't see him as an idiot. She treats him like a normal person and he is really happy about that. Even though Neil wasn't the best father of the night, he still wanted his family to eat together, all at the table. Susan made a nice meal for her family. The parents sat at either ends of the table while Billy and Max sat on the sides, in the middle. Neil forced Susan to serve the food onto all their plates, in front of them. Billy felt bad for Susan, she's pushed around just as much as he is. So, Max and Billy just held their tongues and waited. Susan's dinner consisted of pork chops, green beans and macaroni. Billy knew he should say something or his father would force him to.
"It's really good, Susan." Billy tells her with a nice smile.
"Thank you Billy." Susan replied. Neil gave him a rude look but went back to eating.
"Could be better." Neil suggested as he played with his food. Billy felt like he was trapped in his own house. It would never be a home. He had to be careful what he said or didn't say. He had to constantly take verbal and physical abuse from his own father. He'll always wish for the nights to go by fast and the days to go slow, even if he has to endure school. He hates his life.
"So Billy, how's school?" Susan asks him.
"Fine, I'm working on science project, it's not too bad." Billy answers her.
"Oh do you have to work with anyone?" Susan asks him.
"I sure hope so, dumbass can't do it all by himself." Neil inputs but Billy ignores him.
"Yeah I'm working with a girl. She's pretty smart." He answers Susan and she gives him a sweet smile.
"What's her name?" Susan asks.
"Dawn Berkeley." Billy answers. 
"As in Thomas Berkeley?" Neil madly asks Billy.
"I'm not sure." Billy shrugs at his father.
"If so, that girl must be some work cause her father sure is. I had some issues with him at the bank. He thinks he's the shit because he runs that place. Priss is what I think of him." Neil tells Billy and he nods. He didn't care what his dad thought. Billy likes Dawn. His dad is a no good liar anyways.


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