♦︎ 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭. 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♦︎ 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 ♦︎

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Dawn decided that she wanted to change up her look a bit. Why? She wasn't sure either, but she wanted something different than the usual. She ditched the skirt she picked out last night for dark patchy jeans. They hung low on her hips, exposing her lower stomach. She tied it off with a light belt. Then, instead of using pink lipstick, she chose red. She even put on some eyeliner and mascara. She wasn't much of a makeup gal but when it came to small details she loved it. Then, she threw on a white laced tank top, that hugged her body and paired it with her jean jacket. Lastly, some combat boots to pair it with. She felt good. None of this was a drastic difference, but it made her feel more confident.
"Changing for Eddie I see." Billy said as Dawn entered his passenger seat.
"Excuse me. I'm changing for no one. I'm doing this for myself." Dawn remarked.
"Sure you are." He replied and she smacked his arm.
"I'm serious Billy. Watch it." Dawn partially joked with him. Billy began to shook his head as he drove to school.
"You realize I drive you to and from school..
You better be nice to me." Billy jokes back while he tilts his head to face Dawn.
"What kind of friends would we be if we were only ever extremely nice to one another?" Dawn questioned Billy.
"We wouldn't be friends. " He replied.
"Exactly." She giggled and turned up his radio.

Dawn kept her eye out during school. She was accidentally searching for Eddie Munson everywhere she went. She also found herself catching a possible crush. She felt stupid as she looked around for him at lunch today. He wasn't around the last two days and she hasn't seen a glimpse of him since they hung out on Monday. She rolled her eyes at herself and went back to the book before her. Suddenly, she feels a presence beside her. She just guessed that it was Billy so she spoke while her attention was still on her novel.
"No other friends to talk to huh?" She joked but then heard a laugh that wasn't Billy's. She lifted her head in urgency to witness Eddie beside her.
"Oh sorry, I thought you were Billy." Dawn added and adjusted herself. She sat up straighter and put her book down.

Billy wasn't too sure how he felt about Dawn's new friendship. Eddie was a freak to him. But Billy didn't want to ruin anything between Dawn and him. He enjoyed her company and opinions. He really couldnt say that about anyone else. He needed to keep Dawn in his life. He watched Eddie and Dawn interact from a couple lunch tables down from him. She must have a crush on this guy because her body language completely changed, Billy thought. Dawn looked very happy and giggly, which Billy noted. Eddie even moved some hair away from her face. Billy liked Dawn's recent outfit change, he agreed with her when she said it make her feel more confident. She was radiating with confidence despite her gaze always being on the goddamn book, Billy thought. He decided to ignore them for now. He shouldn't worry about Dawn like this, she knows what she's doing. She's a smart girl.


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