♦︎ 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖𝐭𝐡 & 𝟏𝟗𝐭𝐡 ♦︎

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18th Thursday night

A replica of events went through Dawn's brain, as well as thoughts. Over and over again. She couldn't defeat the fact that she missed her best friend. She tried to ignore her constant state of crushing on him too. She noticed when his mood changed during school. She caught herself watching him from afar, many times. She had to remove her smile from her face once he noticed her gaze. She didn't even think of Eddie that much. Not until he came up to her today. Dawn sat on the ground, leaning her back on her lockers this morning. She was early and Billy happened to be as well. So, she read her book but would notice herself skip a few lines. So, she'd go back to gazing at Billy from across the hall. Still, surprised, but happy that he was there early, laughing with his friends.
"Dawn." Eddie greeted her as he knelt beside her spot.
"Eddie." She responded, curious of what he'd say and very shocked that he was here this early.
"You gonna let me stop your guaking?" Eddie questioned her, completely truthfully joking. Dawn didn't say anything back. He was right, she was totally guaking.
"Damn, you're not gonna retaliate? Try to battle me or anything?" Eddie asked her.
"You are...not wrong." Dawn admitted with a sigh as she rested her head against the lockers.
"I know, that's why I'm over here. You gotta do something about this, girl." Eddie told her. She chuckled a bit at his optimism.
"Eddie I..." Dawn shook her head at him and paused.
"What? You can't? Because why... Because of the party?" He questioned her.
"Yeah right again Eddie... Want a cookie?" Dawn messed with him.
"I would actually, or maybe a win? Like seeing you actually doing something about this crush you have. Stop worrying about what happened weeks ago. He obviously wants you too." Eddie stated, making Dawn think. Once she peered back over at Billy, he was looking over at her, at the same time. She checked him out and then focused back on Eddie's presence.
"Maybe I will. I don't know if I'm ready." Dawn shrugged and stood up before him. Eddie rolled his eyes and stood up along with her.
"Sure. Good luck with that. I wish you the best of luck." Eddie finished with sincerity and left her. She gathered her books right before the bell rang for first period. Eddie was right, which felt odd to say. It's just that everything continued to feel wrong and weird ever since that damn party. Did it ruin everything? Because it felt like it to Dawn.


Dawn remembered everything from that night... It's like pieces of the memories came flooding back into her mind. Literal flashes of the night spiked in her head...somehow. It all just naturally came to her. She felt crazy, like she was powerful or something. No, she was just lucky. She started to let loose tonight and get ready for the end of the day. Hot water ran through her hair and down her body from the shower. She thought about how she'd finally finish her book and go to bed soon. Immediately after that thought left her mind, her brain washed with those memories. She saw her and Billy, and how they were both crazy for each other. How could you miss a memory, miss an act that you did but it wasn't really you? Dawn witnessed all the details as she stood still in the running shower. Why did she assume the worst? What even was the worst, because this wasn't so bad... It started with them making out like two horny teens, Billy drove them to his house. They never seperated from each other, despite the drive there. Billy held Dawn up as her legs were wrapped around his hips. Their lips were smashing against one another's. They were passionate and craved each other. Billy's hands roamed her arms and back as they rushed into his room. Dawn eagerly tore Billy's clothes off of him as he did hers. Dawn was shocked how sensual they were, considering the fact that they were drugged and slightly drunk. Billy was gently and sexy. He cared about what Dawn was feeling, if it was good or not. They used words, he praised her. She hated how silent she was, other than the moans. It was oddly nice, even... Hot. Dawn breathed out in full shocking relief. She finished her shower and sat alone with her thoughts.

19th Friday

Dawn didn't sleep much last night, not after she saw the truth. She felt bad for pushing Billy away. But she needed time. She never thought time would give her this type of answers. It gave her the whole truth. She needed to find a way to talk to Billy. She wasn't sure when or how, but she still was terrified about everything... The possibilities were endless in her worry some mind.

Dawn began riding down the street on her bike. It was dark out but she needed some time to think and relax. She notices a figure from afar, a person who was kneeling on the ground. She presses her breaks fast, making her stop in the middle of the road. She's confused and startled, as her heartbeat paces. She decides to pull out a knife Billy gave her a long time ago. To use in case she needs to protect herself. She slowly bikes near the person, but keeps her distance. Even though she was still confused, she felt so much relief as she realized it's Billy. His jacket is pulled over him but his curls are showing.
"Billy." Dawn breathes out and holds her chest. She puts her knife away in her pocket and stares at his jacket. She tries to turn him around to face her, but she is met with someone else...It's Neil. His sudden presence scared the shit out of her. He immediately grabs ahold of her shoulders with force. It practically hurt. -------Dawn gasps out loud and lifts her head up. She realizes she's in class and everyone's eyes are on hers. A fucking nightmare, seriously? Now?
"Bad dream Dawn?" The teacher smugly asks. Students begin laughing in each direction. Dawn catches Billy's eyes. He was sat on the opposite side of the classroom. Her mind was hazed at the reasoning behind the dream but once she met Billy's eyes, she knew. She must've had that dream because of the state she noticed Billy in this morning. He showed up to school with a huge purple bruise on his right eye and a cut on his left cheekbone. Dawn's eyes began to tear up as she continued to stare at him. She quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out of the class. She didn't listen to the teacher or anything. She just needed to get away. Tears flooded her eyes then ran down her face. She tried to make them stop and pull herself together, as she leaned on nearby lockers. She felt safe to stop, since no one was in the halls. Until a noise is heard behind her, which startled her. She turns around and, once again, is met with Billy. She groaned out and turned back around. She leaned her body against the lockers and craddled herself to the ground. Her eyes fell shut as she cried. She felt ridiculous but didn't care. She needed to let out her emotions. She almost forgot Billy was there until he leaned down with her and rubbed her back. Normally she'd push him away or tell him off but she needed Billy. She wanted to feel safe again and she missed him terribly. She also knew that he probably felt the same. After seeing everything, she wanted him. He's been hurt once again and she wants him to want her. She fell into his arms and let him hold her. Billy was shocked. He did not expect Dawn to allow him to touch her, let alone hold her. He was so glad he followed her out of the class. He just wanted to make sure she was okay. When she cried in class after her dream, he knew something wasn't right.
"Come on, before class ends." Billy helped guide Dawn to an empty room. He wanted her to continue letting out her emotions, in a safe place. Billy gently hushed Dawn as she quietly sobbed in his chest. Her hands held onto the back of Billy's jacket. She was finally able to express her feelings with Billy. This cry was letting out absolutely everything. It felt so freeing, like she wasn't scared any more. His presence helped because she missed everything about him. His strong body, cologne, voice and caring touch.
"Can you talk to me, please?" Billy whispered as he brushed his hand down Dawn's head. She took some time to collect herself. He was right, she needed to talk to him. This was the perfect time.
"I'm sorry." Dawn sniffled and tried to wipe her face. Billy shook his head and helped clear the wetness off of her face.
"Don't be sorry." He said with a sweet smile and held Dawn's face.
"No. I'm really sorry... For everything." Dawn cried out. She wasn't a mess, but her voice broke. Her tears gladly stopped. "I pushed you away because I was scared. I was embarrassed but I..." Dawn spilled out before she paused. She needed to breathe after she cried so much. She moved her gaze away from him and took deep breaths. Billy moved his hand from her face and listened to her.
"What?...It's okay, please tell me." Billy pleaded.
"I remember everything.. I don't know how, but it all flashed before my eyes...last night." Dawn stated. Billy was so happy, because now she understood how, everything wasn't so bad. Sure the issue at hand was but them, they weren't bad together.
"I think I wanted you deep down, so being drugged made that a reality." Billy told Dawn as he stared into her eyes. He regretted what he said immediately, hoping it wasn't too much for her. He looked away from her because he wanted to take back what he said but Dawn pulled his face back towards her. She gently held his chin and pressed her lips into his. Billy was shocked, so much that he didn't close his eyes for what felt like forever before he sunk into the kiss. He indulged her and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he spun them around, never removing their lips from one another. Wide grins reached both of their faces as they parted from each other. Billy set her down, and their eyes never disconnected.
"Baby please be mine. We'll talk about everything and communicate, but please... Just be my girl." Billy begged as he moved hair away from her face and fixed her shirt for her. Dawn almost thought she was crazy but Eddie was right, she had a massive crush on Billy. She didn't see it until she was fucking drugged, which is insane but yeah she wanted Billy. She needed him. So, she nodded yes. Billy was so happy, that he picked her up once again. Dawn giggled as he kissed all over her face.

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