♦︎ 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♦︎ 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 ♦︎

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Dawn noticed Billy from across the hall. He wasn't in science this morning and she wasn't sure why. They've been working great together and the project is really coming along. They only have a week left to complete it. She thought it would be a good idea to interrogate him because she didn't want him to bail on her any longer. Just in case that was his plan she needed to be ready. So Dawn decided to close her locker and make her way to him. Now was a perfect time since she didn't see him at all this morning. Billy came into clearer view, his arm was wrapped around some girl while he was whispering in her ear. Then, she noticed a very visible cut on the side of his lip. It was deep and seemed painful.
"Billy." Dawn greeted him.
"Berkeley." He replied.
"Your name is Berkeley, like the school?" The girl beside him asked after she giggled. What a ditzy girl.
"No, that's her last name." Billy told her and took his arm away from her.
"What's up?" Billy asked Dawn.
"Where were you this morning?" Dawn asked him.
"Oh right. Sorry I didn't tell you, I uh had to help my dad with his truck, it was having issues and he couldn't go to work." Billy answers her. She looks at him with confusion. She suspects that his lying but oh well.
"Oh okay. Did you fall or something?" Dawn asks Billy. Sure she hasn't seem him since Friday but it looked new.
"Oh yes, yes I did." Billy chuckled. She knew something was up but didn't want to pry him about it.
"Okay well I'll see you later." Dawn told Billy and left him be. Suddenly, Charlie stops her from walking too far.
"Hey Dawn, how are you?" Charlie asks her. Billy noticed him and how close he got to her. He wasn't too fond of Charlie. He asked stupid questions but pretended to be smart. He's really not the brightest person.
"I'm fine, you?" Dawn asks and continues to walk down the hallway. Charlie follows, beside her.
"Good, good. I'm great, yea. Hey, um I was wondering if uh you would like to maybe go out sometime?" Charlie slowly asked then, unexpectedly tripped over himself and fell on the hard floor below him. Dawn sighed as she helped him up.
"I'm not sure what I'm doing this week. I'll let you know later, k?" Dawn told him and then left him in the hall. She wanted to get to class and be away from him. She knew what she had to do but wasn't sure if she could. Now her plan is too ask for advice cause she really needs it.


Later after the last bell rang Dawn rushed outside. She was on a mission to talk to Billy. She wasn't able to discuss her issue with him in math class due to the test they took so she knew she needed to now. She saw him about to get in his car. The girl she saw him with earlier was going with him as well. She stopped him before he could enter his car.
"Billy!" Dawn yelled as she ran up to him.
"What's wrong?" He asked Dawn. It took a second but she quickly made her way in front of him.
"Nothing, nothing." Dawn said as she was catching her breathe. "I just need to talk to you." She answered him.
"Okay?" He replied, trying to let her go on.
"I need some advice but can we maybe not talk here?" She asked him after she peered around, seeing many faces.
"Wait." He told the girl beside his car and started walking with Dawn. They made it to the side of the schools building.
"Sorry to take you away from your date." Dawn tells Billy and leans on the brick wall. It was definitely getting colder outside so she held her pink jacket extra close to her.
"Hey don't worry about it, what's up?" Billy asks her with curiosity.
"Charlie tried to ask me out." She answered, he immediately rolled his eyes.
"What'd you say back?" He asked her.
"Well I told him I wasn't sure what I was doing this week and I'd let him know. I don't know if I should just give him a chance or not." Dawn tells him.
"I think you're too afraid to say no." Billy states. Dawn looks at him for a moment and gazes down at her feet. Her converse had a small stain on them so, she kept it in mind to get it out later.
"Look, it'll be fine. Just do what you want. What do you want to do?" Billy asks her and she contemplates in her head.
"I mean, he kind of annoys me. He mumbles all the time and he's kind of dumb." Dawn softly says. She doesn't like talking too harshly on people. Billy was glad to hear those words come out of her mouth. Like I said before, he's not too fond of Charlie. Billy chuckled and nodded.
"Then I think you should sack up and tell him no. Remember what you want matters." Billy told Dawn, she nodded in response.
"Okay, thanks. You can go on now." Dawn jestered towards the parking lots and he ran off. She made it to her bike and was ready to be home. She had time to think on about what she'd tell Charlie tomorrow.


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