♦︎ 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖𝐭𝐡 ♦︎ 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♦︎ 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐬

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Dawn was officially ready for her date. She had a simple yet beautiful outfit on. She wanted to keep it a little bit on the normal side since she wasn't sure where he'd take her. So, she wore a black long sleeve dress, that stopped right at her knees. She had plain tights underneath and her red combat boots. She wore some gold jewelry and left her hair up. She didn't cake her face with much makeup, which she never does anyways, she just wanted a touch of red lipstick. Dawn looked good and felt sensational. She threw on her leather jacket and stepped out on her porch to wait for Eddie. He said he'd pick her up at seven, and it was, on the dot. Dawn waited for a couple of minutes so she sat on a nearby chair to wait. A small leaf crunching noise sprung her ears and made her worry a bit. It was very dark around her so she couldn't see anything. The deep and low sound of thunder surrounded her. She kept hearing something get closer, which made her a bit on edge. She stood up and walked a few feet away from her house. She finally saw a figure from the street light afar, making her gasp. She didn't expect to see a person. They continued to approach her and she finally saw their face. Dawn held her chest and took a deep sigh out.
"Damn Billy, you scared me." She said as she noticed him. He stopped in his place and lowered his head down. A louder tone of thunder sounded around them. It suddenly began to sprinkle rain. Billy felt dumb for walking to Dawn's house. But he didn't know where else to go. He just needed to get away so his feet dragged him here.
"Billy get over here, it's going to start pouring." Dawn told him, making him continue his slow pace walk to her. She waited for him and got more worried than before. Billy was scared for her to see him but he came here for a reason. He knew he could trust her, shes proven that before. Why is he acting so weird? Billy finally made his way before her and she realized why he's acting different. His face was bruised and bloody, most likely from being beaten. Dawn's lips slowly parted as she gazed at Billy's state.
"Who did this to you?" Dawn asks Billy as she finally sees his face. She knew the answer as he didn't respond. She was just hoping it wasn't Neil. He makes a defeated expression. She gets closer to him, making him step back and turn his face slightly. He didn't connect eyes with her until this moment. Billy felt ashamed and scared to show his weakness. Dawn felt intensely sad as she witnessed his doe eyes filled with tears. She held her emotions back and realized she needed to help him.
"Come on Billy." Dawn softly said and gently guided him with her. Of course, the rain began pouring down hard.
"What about your date?" Billy quietly asked. He felt selfish for wasting her time.
"He can wait for another day. He's late anyways." She responded and made way to her front door. Dawn wasn't sure how'd she get Billy past her parents but she needed to think of something. She knew they'd be on alert as soon as the door chimed open. Because of that, she thought of going through the garage instead. There was a door beside the garage, thankfully it was open. Dawn gently opened the garage door that was an entryway to the house. She saw her dad watching TV on the other side of the house and her mother was in the kitchen cooking up something. She waited for her mothers back to be turned for them to get by. When she finally changed her direction, Dawn dragged Billy quickly with her. They went fastly to the right and up the stairs to her room. Dawn let out a held breathe. She was glad she got by them. Dawn has a bathroom connecting to her room, something she adores, so she'll clean up Billy there. They both took off their jackets. Billy was waiting while Dawn searched for some first aid materials. She noticed his demeanour, it was shy and off, like he was somewhere else in his mind. After she gathered everything into the bathroom, he finally followed her in there.
"Sit." She demanded and pointed at the toilet. Billy closed the lid and sat on it. He was awfully quiet. If Dawn didn't already have enough proof of him not being okay, she could easily tell by him being dead quiet. She poured alcohol on cloth so she could clean his face.
"You look nice." Billy whispered as she was wiping the marks off of his face. Dawn smiled, surprised by him.
"Thank you." She replied. Dawn noticed more about the details of Billy's face, now that she was so close to it. Her smiled continued as he connected his blue soft eyes with hers. Suddenly, Billy winced as Dawn touched the cut on his lip.
"I'm sorry." She said and removed her hand from him. He gently grabbed her arm to stop her from moving away.
"It's okay." He spoke up and let her continue.
"Can you please tell me wh..." Dawn tried to ask Billy but got interrupted.
"Dawn! Are you still up there? Someone's here for you!" Dawns mother yelled for her. She sighed and put the cloth down.
"I'll be back." Dawn tried to tell Billy but her mom came into her room.
"Shit." Dawn muttered and quickly shut the bathroom door. Mary began to knock on the door.
"Honey are you in there, I thought you left?" Mary asked Dawn.
"Mom, I don't feel good. Let Eddie know I can't go out tonight." Dawn yelled through the door.
"Whose Eddie dear?" Mary pried on. Dawn opened the door just a tag to see her mother.
"I really just don't feel well mom, he's just my close friend. Please tell him for me." She told her.
"Okay dear, let me know if you need anything." Mary replied and finally left. Dawn exhaled loudly.
"Let me just change, I'll be back." Dawn told Billy and shut the bathroom door behind her. She quickly changed into some leggings and an oversized T-shirt. She also grabbed a shirt and sweat pants for Billy since his clothes are drenched. As she got back into the restroom Billy was still in the same spot. There was nothing else Dawn could do to help Billy so she started to put up her first aid equipment. She noticed Billy stand up out of her near side gaze. As soon as she viewed him, his shirt was getting pulled above his head and taken off. She softly let out a gasp when she witnessed the two big bruises on his chest. Dawn whispered his name and made her way in front of him. Her thumb grazed over the marks on his abs. She has only ever seen what Neil has done to Billy's face. This was much worse. She wasn't thinking about what she was doing. She realized as they connected eyes that maybe she was being to close and personal. Dawn backed up a bit and let him put the shirt on. She turned around for him to get into the sweat pants as well.
"Billy, can you please tell me what happened." Dawn asked as her back was facing him. She really didn't want to pry but he'd explain sooner or later.
"He just came home drunk." Billy admitted and laid his hand on Dawn's shoulder to let her know she can look at him. She slowly turned to face him.
"Seriously?" She asked and Billy nodded in response. Dawn shook her head and tried to keep her sadness away.
"Stay here, I don't think you should go back tonight." Dawn said and he gave her a side smile. They exited the restroom.
"I'm going to tell my mom I'm going to bed early cause I'm sick." Dawn told Billy and went down stairs. Billy was thankful for Dawn. She's never let him down before, not like anyone else. He was scared of the little feeling springing inside of him. She just a friend, who cares about me, Billy thought. He told himself he needed to relax, it's been a long day.

"I hate what he does to you." Dawn shook her head as she closed her door and moved stuff off of her bed. She had to put up books and clothes real quick. Billy didn't say anything, he didn't know what to add on to that. But he appreciated her and he felt like he needed to express that.
"I appreciate you." Billy told Dawn as she moved her covers over for them to get ready for bed. She gave him her famous sweet smile which lightened his heart.
"I'm always happy to help you. You're my best friend." She told him as they got under the covers. She turned off the her light and leaned on her right side. Billy leaned on his left to face her. He rested his hand above hers, in between them.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"Goodnight Billy." Dawn responded and kissed his hand before she closed her eyes.
"Goodnight beautiful." He replied and tried his best to go to sleep, now that he was safe and sound.

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