Chapter 19. Earth's Reason

Start from the beginning

Her mother says that dad is home.

Earth question's why they are going to a rock.

Her mom says it's to see her dad's spirit.

Earth asks why its in a rock.

Her mother sigh's, the two walking up to a gravestone.

Earth would continue through her early years fairly peacefully, though hitting a rough patch in school not understanding maths for a bit.

Though Earth would make it past and would start trying to learn other languages, wanting to travel the world one day.

Earth had been oddly privileged, her family loved her, she had a big house, food was ready when she got home, and never had to worry about the weather outside.

Though she barely saw her mother, and had never even met her father, she was happy, she cherished all she had, and whenever she could talk to her mother, she would.

Life was good.

Earth turned about 16 years old, her world had flipped over.



Jupiter grabs Earth's arm, and the two rush into Earth's house, running past gunshots and loud booms that echo through the air.

Her mother boarding up windows, Jupiter quickly following in suite.

"W-Wait- what's going on-?"



Jupiter takes in a deep breath, and finishes boarding up the door and windows, helping Earth's mother sit down and sitting down himself.

"... You know how... in the last couple weeks... Our neighboring country has... Threatened some things-?"

"... Yeah-?"


"No- they didn't- no human would want that-"


"Are we gonna die-?"

"Don't say that-"

Earth turns to her mother.

Earth ask if her mother is ok, who's breathing heavily.

Earth's mother starts inspecting Earth's arms, thinking she's hurt.

Earth assures her mom that she is fine and her mother takes a deep breath then spreads a paste on Earth and Jupiter's foreheads.

Her mom tells Jupiter and Earth to stay safe.

"我要去尋找更多食物。Don't let anyone in unless you know their safe."
Jupiter says that he's gonna go look for food, pointing at Earth semi aggressively for the second half of the sentence.

"Have a little trust in me."

"Says the one who almost tried to befriend a bear."
Jupiter gets up, and un latches the door just barely, for him to get out, Earth boarding it up right afterwards.

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