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Dazai's POV

7 years into the future

The date was February 14. He was sitting on the couch watching a show of some sort. "Chuuuuuyyaaaa" I hug him tightly from the back. "What do you want" he groaned.

He turned away from the tv and paused it. "It's so hot in here.." I was inside a bear mascot and I couldn't even see anything at all.

"Then why are you wearing that?" he took the head off the bear. "I wanted to surprise youuu. Beheading bears isn't very nice y'know" he rolled his eyes in response.

"I have another surprise for you!" I pulled out a bouquet of flowers and a book. He isn't familiar with receiving gifts. "Thank you.. but why are the flowers dead?" he questioned.

It was a bouquet of handpicked Camelias to be precise. The petals were now withering, they were only preserved because I hung the flowers upside down.

"I bought them for you a long time ago" I admitted. I bought those flowers for him when we were fifteen, I just never had the courage to give it to him.

"What's in this book?" he was playing with the yellow pages. The book didn't have a title. The cover was plain with just two different colors.

Brown and orange.

"You can read that later, I have somewhere to take you" I smiled. "Actually, I also have a gift for you" he moved the pillow to show a box of matcha chocolate.

"Really? Thank you Chuuuya!" I opened the box of chocolates. "I happened to see it on my way to the grocery store, it reminded me of you" he giggled.

The chocolates were all shaped like green monkeys. He was now hiding his face under the pillows. "You-" his phone suddenly buzzed.

It was from Kouyou. He picked up his phone as I viewed it from over his shoulder. "Have fun today you two, I'm assuming Dazai's there with you. Remember, use protection!" he was blushing so hard right now.

"See, now kissing a guy is one thing. But reproducing? How would that even work? Where would the hol-" he smacked me in the face with a pillow.


"You still don't have a driver's license?" I teased. "You're acting like you have one, I don't even know how the cops believe that fake divers license of yours" he retorted.

It was dark outside already, I was driving us to somewhere I hadn't been in quite a while. "You always do this, you force me inside a car and don't tell me where we're going" he signed.

There were two halves of a heart dangling from the rear view mirror. They smell nice, they were scented like strawberries and chocolate. The two pieces were of two colors.

Brown and orange.

"Just be patient" I took another left turn. He isn't good at remembering paths or locations, he gets lost very easily. If it was any other person, they would've realized where we were heading already. After all, we've been here before.


"Chuuya. Chuuuuya. Chuuuuuuuya" I was shaking him trying to wake him up. He has fallen asleep in the passengers seat again.

"Hm?" he looked so confused with his half opened eyes. "We're here, you fell asleep" I explained. We were at a flower field. A flower field of Camelias.

The same one from seven years ago. The place I first heard those words I've been desperate to hear. It was only three simple words yet it had such a big effect on me.

'I love you'

Maybe it wasn't the words, it was the person. Anyone else could've said those words straight to my face and I wouldn't have cared. I don't want any other person, I want him and him only.

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