Chapter 26: Comfort and Scared?

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Seventeen Yoon Jeonghan was seen with a tattoo or a mark of a decade long disease? Or something else?

Last week "Second Chance" director Mr. Lee posted few of their pre screened party before the release of the drama. The venue was great and the whole cast along with some friends and crew were present. The Seventeen members S Coups and Jeonghan both were present at the party. It didn't left unnoticed for a fan of them to pick out something.

A blur black tattoo was seen behind Jeonghan's neck. People are assuming that he might have got a tattoo on his. But another set of people are telling he already has a soulmates as Joshua then why he will get another one?

Furthermore some investigated it and found out it must be related to a long term fated disease known as Hanahaki. Experts still say that some people are the chosen one for that. Is Jeonghan the chosen one for Hanahaki Disease? Or is it some mere tattoo people are spreading the rumors?

Their company haven't disclosed any statement yet. For further information all have to stay still until they give some announcement about it.

That was the first thing everyone saw in the projector. After the chaos that circulated for the previous post the CEO assembled a meeting between the manager and the members. Everyone was seated around the circular conference hall with tension heave around the air.

The manager clicked another slide with a another heading after everyone read the current one.


"Is there something between Seungcheol and Jeonghan as we can see some rings?

There is always a common thing between idols which are rumored to date each other. Matching things. Yes, we are now talking about two famous idols S Coups and Jeonghan from Seventeen. It might be ridiculous but the things might be true.

Most of the time they were seen matching clothes or any accessories which are common and was not a huge deal. Until the fans started to noticed they are wearing matching rings!

Not only they were wearing their Seventeen rings but also two couple silver rings which were captured in few of their vlives and some photos for the past two months.

Although their company haven't released any previous statement about Jeonghan's issue. It is yet to believe they will release anything about this. Until further notice we have to wait and see what happens next.

The manager close the slide after showing both the news to them and the CEO. The CEO sighed and looked at Jeonghan first then at Seungcheol. Seungcheol was looking at him with guilt eyes while Jeonghan was looking down staring at his hands.

"Jeonghan." The CEO called him. "I won't scold you nor I am angry at you. What I heard from the manager was you weren't aware about that mark."

Jeonghan nodded along without speaking anything.

"As the news is already spread out we can't do anything but have to give a statement about it. And Seungcheol."

He turn his head towards him giving a warm smile.

"If both of you have anything to say you can I won't judge."

Seungcheol gave a glance at Jeonghan feeling atmost bad about his situation. The way he was hunched down at the hair not looking at anyone and especially him he felt guilty.

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