Chapter 20: Euphoria; Loves finds a way

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Jeonghan's POV

Fortunate enough Joshua's mom was quite well now talking with us comfortably. Still she was weak as the doctor said their was a minor block in one of the heart tube that caused her breathing difficulty. About the heart attack too it was minor not major. Joshua heard the wrong term that led him to confusion in the phone. Thankfully the surgery will be done tomorrow to clear the block as it won't take time and will heal soon.

"I caused quite a trouble for the three of you right." She softly asked patting my cheeks and smiling at Seungcheol.

"No of course not mom. We all were worried for you. The kids can't stop calling at me until I scolded them to go to sleep." Seungcheol replied while Joshua chuckled sitting at the other side of her bed.

It was past 11 o'clock with us staying beside her and having small conversations. During this whole time Joshua told her that we both are soulmates now and that too happened suddenly at the plane.

"I was really hoping that these two will surely be soulmates. Who can deny if they always bicker like old grandfathers everytime." We all laughed while Joshua whined nudging his mom to stop talking more.

"Soulmates right?" She said rubbing the slight tattoo mark on my wrist.

"You always asked when you were small why your dad and I didn't have the same soulmate tattoos." She gave a quick glance at Joshua and looked at both me and Seungcheol.

"It's always different. Love and bond is two different things. Soulmates are those that are always and forever bonds with you. Let's you know there is someone in your life who you will treasure and forever remember it.

Love is a feeling you get when you are together with that person you believe will spend the rest of your life with you together. It's an emotion you cannot express but feel within yourself.

That's what I felt when I saw your dad although we weren't soulmates."

When she finished talking. I felt conflicted.

Do I also feel the same way like she said when I am with Seungcheol?

Does he too feel the same? The questions were hard to answer when she directly looked at both of us. I thought she knew the truth I was hiding. I know Joshua always says everything to his mom everyday so I didn't get much surprise saying that specifically to me and I don't know, Seungcheol?

As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't noticed that Joshua eyed Seungcheol as they rely a message through their eyes when Seungcheol spoke.

"You both talk for sometime while I and Jeonghan take some fresh air."

Huh? What? Before I can comprehend what was going he pulled my hand taking me out. I gave a quick smile on both of them and went out with him. The floor was quiet as it should be while he turned right taking me to an open space where the glass windows were overlooking the city filled with lights.

If it was some other place it will look really beautiful and admirable, since we are in the hospital I didn't feel the vibe.

"Is there something you want to say?"

Now I know where it was going. Yes I wanted to. Is it the right place to say? He gestured to the steel chairs align beside the window and we both sat down.

"It's not the right place to say anyway." I tried to ignore his words.

"Is something bothering you? It's okay I understand if you don't want to say now. I will wait.

The Untangled Fate •》 Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now