Chapter 10: Ephemeral

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Flashback of yesterday

"Are seriously out of your mind you are telling me now?" He angrily spoke on the phone. "I seriously wanted to go to with y'all. Now tell me what I should do doing this break. I can't live alone in this dorm." He sighed kicking the pillow due to frustration.

Jeonghan thought of going to his home after so long now his so called literal angel sister called him and saying she took them to Japan as a surprise.

"Yahh come on you are not gonna rot in hell in their. Are you for a week only Hannie Oppa after that you are gonna meet them soon." She said with some buzzing sound of the airport in the background.

Jeonghan groaned. She is a devil in disguise indeed.

"Well I am gonna cut my phone off Oppa. Mom and Dad is calling me so don't sulk too much. I know you are the laziest person I have ever seen. Just laze around in the dorm sleep, eat and repeat. No one's gonna stop you from that okay? Bubbye!"

I sighed. Well I seriously had no choice. "Bye take care of mom and dad. Also return them back safely and hope you get lost there somewhere." I cutted the call before I can hear her curse on me. I laughed. This kid will never grow up. Throwinh the phone on the other side of the I plopped my body like a starfish and started to think some possible things to do when I get bore in here.

My thoughts got cutted out when I saw S Coups entering my room with a small smile playing on his lips. I swear his smile and that cute dimples will be the death of me. What the..snapped out of it Jeonghan.

"Did you let your parents know you are going home or gonna surprise them?" He said sitting at the side of my bed while laughing at my current position.

I shook my head and told him what's the reason of my being in a bad mood. He thought for a while and immediately offered me.

"Let's go to my place. It's been so long you have met my mom. She won't mind in fact she will be happy to see you instead of me." He chuckled.

"It's alright Coups. I don't wanna disturb your family time."

"I said I won't mind not my family."

"Still I don't to disturb you. It's fine. They are only gone for a week."

"Nahhh it's final you are coming with me that's it. We are going the day after tomorrow early in the morning."

Is he serious? I looked at him and saw his eyes glowing with determination that he will drag me even I refused. "No. You can't take me. I won't go." He stared away me for a while and spoke. "Ok fine." He stood up and I thought he gave up on taking me but next thing he did I was dumbfounded. He started to pack my bags. What? No way?

"Yahh what are you doing?"

"Packing your bags isn't it obvious?"

"Still not going."

"Will see in the morning."

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