Chapter 25: Reveal?

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3rd Person POV

The drama was a huge success for next few months. The viewers rating rocketed sky high. Due to all the promotions and variety show appearances Seungcheol didn't have much time practicing in between for their concert. Nor actually have the time to spend time with Jeonghan.

Needless to say Jeonghan was quite upset about it but brushed it off from his mind knowing it was all important for him too fro his first drama. Though he got little time with him he never forgets to shower his love for him.

It was for a short moment but every single second he lives being with him. Jeonghan never knows how time flies with him eating, dancing, sleeping or practicing. He just know that his presence alone is something warms his heart.

Currently the whole group was at the practice room discussing further for their concert that is upcoming up soon. Trying to give their best non stop. They took a break after the discussion and everyone was spread all out resting for some time.

Seungcheol sitting by Jeonghan's side softly talking with him. Apologizing too for not being able to give him much attention for the past few days. Jeonghan shook his smiling brightly resting his head on his shoulder and smiled looking deep in his eyes filled with admiration.

"You did really well for the drama Cheol. I really enjoyed it. You portrayed your character beautifully and I really loved it. I can't wait to see the last episode this week."

Jeonghan whispered in his ears rubbing his arms softly. Both being careful not to obvious infront of the staff. They let the members know they will say to manager and CEO later. Taking some time into consideration.

"Thank you Hannie." He bopped his forehead with him for a split second. "I am glad people are enjoying it still now." Saying this he looked around, watching his members being energetically loud although they were resting.

Seungcheol always thought his members, now as his brothers were so precious to him.

Each and every single thing they did was memorable and wholeheartedly remembered in his heart. In his heart the way he hold them nobody can really express it. The way he will look at them with love and comfort in his eyes no one can see but him.

Today he was with them together because of their dedication, support and hardship throughout their whole life. He can never get enough with his 12 brothers and now 11 with Jeonghan being the other part of his life he adores.

"You know I wouldn't be that good with y'all beside me and supporting me every day." Seungcheol said to Jeonghan pulling him close with his right arm and resting his chin on his head. Jeonghan snuggled up his chest humming softly. Without any words the silence was comforting for both of them looking at their so called kids.

Few minutes later Jeonghan straightened up stretching his arms out feeling his muscles getting sore. It was when Mingyu grabbed their attention.

"Guys have you seen the behind the scenes of Coups Hyung drama? It's been released 1 hour ago." Within minutes everyone was checking their phones watching it together. Of course the members can't stop teasing their leader who was still shy to interact with his co actress even after knowing are close.

Seeing it was the time to start again the practice and also to stop their commentary Seungcheol informed to stop fooling around and get in their position. Before they could start the music again the manager came inside calling Jeonghan to the conference room.

Following the manager with confusion written over his face he kept on thinking why he called him.

Jeonghan's POV

The Untangled Fate •》 Jeongcheol Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora