Chapter 19: Soulmates

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Seungcheol POV

The whole place was filled with confusion and murmurs. Wonwoo explained everything to us. But the thing is non of us really know what happened. When Joshua called his mom there upper neighbor picked up and said they were trying to contact him through his mom phone. He said that she called them saying she wasn't feeling that well.

Throughout the ride she was quite well, suddenly she started whimpering that she was in pain and can't breathe. Before they reached the hospital she collapsed and got unconscious, after admitting in the ER they get to know from the doctor she had a heart attack.

I saw Jeonghan sitting beside Joshua, trying to comfort him holding his saying everything will be fine. My heart soften seeing his dazed trembling eyes.

"When's the next flight to Seoul?" I asked the manager who was on call with the CEO. He gave a subtle gaze putting the call on hold. He asked a staff to check the flights. Few seconds later he said next one will be within two hours.

"Cancel our flights schedule tomorrow we will go now."

"S Coups we can't do that."

"Why?" I was skeptical like why they can't.

"If you are worried about the ticket prices I will pay it."

"It's not that we can't do and also it's not about the ticket prices. The media will put up some nonsense paparazzi if they see us going today."

"You are not getting it Hyung. You are not understanding the situation."

"I am that's why I am saying."

"Then why can't we go now!"

"If we go now the media will make a whole coverage till we reach the hospital and those few people will crowd the whole area just to make some money in their websites. Do you want that?"

He was right honestly. But waiting will not do any good. I was conflicted because that I just about to fight with him. I looked around at everyone, they were also thinking the same. I saw Jeonghan looking at me. From the looks of it I understood that he was relying me the message that I need to think properly and also need to calm down.

Joshua too stared at me with those sober eyes. I know her wanted to go to her as soon as possible.

Cancel the three of our flight tickets." Pointing at Joshua, Jeonghan and me. "Hyung and two of our bodyguards or stuff too. We are going now." That was my final say.

"I don't care about the media. They won't give a shit about our health that's true then why are we giving them chances." Saying this I took hold of the phone from our manager who kept the CEO on hold and resume.

"Mr Han I am sorry for the disturbance but I will like to let you know that few of us are going to Seoul now." Then I said who are going. I explained that delaying the situation wouldn't solve the problem.

"Alright Seungcheol. I trust you. Give the phone to the manager I will tell him to book the tickets immediately."

When the manager took the call agreed on his statement he immediately book the tickets. I was slightly guilty of going over him but he said it's fine I did the right thing. He will manage the media so I didn't have to worry.

Hearing all these Wonwoo started to pack Joshua's luggage immediately with Minghao's help others also stayed by his side giving him support. While me and Jeonghan rushed to our room to pack our bags.

"Thank you Coups." I heard him as trashed few of his clothes on the suitcase without folding.

"For what?"

"Letting me go with him too. I know it's difficult as fans keep on following us, still you insist him to let me go also."

"You are his best friend. Of course I can't leave with him without you. He needs you right now the most more than me. I definitely have to go as a leader but we need someone more to hold him mentally strong till we reach."

Before I can pack my clothes a pair of arms wrapped around me hugging me tightly. I was utterly confused why he did that.

'I know this isn't that kind of a big gesture. Still thank you for considering me." He paused for a second and continued.

"You and I both know he doesn't have anyone after his mom. It's true we are always there for him still.." The hesitation in his voice tugged my heart.

"Jeonghan why are saying like that his mom will be fine don't worry." I patted his hands as he removed it. Turning around I gave a soft smile. The feeling of losing someone is a big denial. I decided to change the topic for sometime as I remember what we were doing before.

"Did you had something to say? Before the phonecall."

"Oh yes but I say another time." He went far away from me as a ignorance.

"Was it important?" He didn't say much but nodded.

There was a knock on the door, Jun and Mingyu came inside asking if we need any help and started to help pack the rest of our things. Maybe I will ask him after we get to know the current condition of her after reaching Seoul.

3rd Person POV

The few minutes were blurred enough. Rushing of people and suitcases moving. The three of them sat inside an SUV along with the manager and stuffs; riding full speed to the airport without missing the flight. They were right on time checking out the tickets and passports it was 5 minutes before boarding time.

Sitting down on the seats and buckling up all of them took a deep breath. It was a rush still they manage to reach on time. Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua sat at the three sitter row putting Joshua in between. Seungcheol keep on checking Joshua time to time.

He was silent the whole ride. Just looking blank, void without any emotion. Jeonghan keep whispering soothing words just to keep him together. An hour left to reach, then when Seungcheol noticed something on Joshua's hand.

Particularly at his wrist. He grinned checking Jeonghan's wrist too. Of course if they both aren't soulmates it will be a crime. Joshua caught him looking at his wrist and he saw what he was seeing. For the first time throughout the whole situation he smiled tapping on Jeonghan's wrist letting him know too.

The three of them were smiling like a fool despite the tension behind. He leaned on Jeonghan's ear whispering something that Seungcheol didn't catch on. He gave a quick glance at him and again whispered on his ear. Jeonghan looked flustered. Then he bend towards Seungcheol and whispered.

"Did Jeonghan told you about something he wanted to say?" Seungcheol shook his head as no.

"You both are dumb people I have met." Joshua scoffed laughing softly and leaned back closing his eyes. He was so confused at his words and looked at Jeonghan who was staring at the opposite side avoiding his gaze cheeks were slightly red. What is the thing he wanted to say?

One thing he observed that Jeonghan's side was absolutely attractive. He won't deny that.


At last they are soulmates now.. phew..

Will Jeonghan say to Seungcheol after this? Ahem.... well.... you know the author is lazy so yeah..

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