Chapter 11: Proposal

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Reaching his home around 8 at night we both freshen up immediately. After our horse riding we just went around sightseeing the farmhouse. His mother already was pretty angry at him for coming so late.

Not me obviously.

Actually his brother went to Seoul yesterday due to some due offline work although he had came for a vacation but still work is work. Here said he will return back tomorrow if possible or day after tomorrow. Now I am using his brother's room for 2 days cause I need a break from him.

Staying in his room makes me calm because even if he is around me I feel something in my heart. Something that I always longed for.

Now the current situation is that his parents were going for a friends wedding party. Seungcheol was also about to go before I came with him. I insist that he can go I will stay alone in the house. He refused shooing me off. Hus parents will come back late midnight so one thing is confirmed that we both will be alone.

In any other circumstances it was fine. But for me it was not what if I speak something that I wasn't supposed to say. Anxiousness crept inside me. Man Joshua was right I won't survive here with him alone. Changing a room for a day I was relieved this is way worse now.

"Okay boys. Don't worry we will be back before morning. Eat dinner early and sleep early. Don't take this as an advantage staying up while night playing some video games." His mother said giving a side look to S Coups.

"It feels like I am the only one who will be left alone and I only will force him to play. Hate you eomma." Seungcheol sulked and pouted. I laughed.
His father said chuckling. "Come on Jagi. It's fine let them have done fun. It's their vacation too." His mom sighed shaking her head while both him send his father gave a fist bump.

"Okay okay. Cause your appa sayed that's why I am agreeing. Jeonghan take cafe of my son." "Yes eomma!" I laughed loudly as he whined. This was so fun.

We bid them goodbyes. Now it was only two of us. It was slightly awkward for me. He suddenly spoke. "Oh do you remember I said I have to tell something to you?" He stared at him for a few seconds and nodded. "Alright let's have dinner first than will have our chit chat or else if eomma gets to know we are delaying our dinner she will chop me off." I giggled and followed him to the kitchen what did he have to say to me.


"How was the ride for you?"
Jeonghan replied smiling brightly. "It was so fun Coups. Thank you so much."

"Ayyy no problem. I am glad that I helped you getting rid of your fear of horses."

"Yeah I feel confident now."

They keep walking down the hill towards S Coups house.

"I really had something to say eventually."

"What is it? Jeonghan asked getting curious.

"I will say after reaching home."

"Why not now?"

"Well this talk will take long and we have to sit down and start."

Jeonghan slightly frowned. S Coups noticed him and immediately said. "It's nothing serious I swear. But I guess it will be something unexpected that you will also like it I believe."

The Untangled Fate •》 Jeongcheol Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ